Hate is alive and well within Canada’s mainstream political parties and media, and mandated vaccination passports have made this socially acceptable.
Expect an onslaught of hate against the Right to be intensified over the coming months ahead. The increased popularity of the People’s Party of Canada (PPC) following the Canadian election has triggered the likes of Canada’s prime minister Justin Trudeau to publicly deliver an unconscionable hate rant – against the so-called ‘unvaccinated’ – unlike anything ever heard from a Canadian prime minister.
Despite the visible tidal wave of deaths and ‘adverse’ reactions to the so-called ‘vaccines’ being mandated by governments everywhere, Trudeau nevertheless continues to mandate the poisonous concoctions. But with adverse reactions expected to reach astronomical proportions over the months ahead, those pushing the ‘vaccines’ can’t hide forever.
Like globalists everywhere, our political tyrants have gotten themselves backed into an unresolvable disaster of their own making. Their chosen recourse now is to look for scapegoats on which to project their failures, hatreds, and sheer immorality.
Outrageously, and against all the evidence, they are blaming the unvaccinated for causing the harms done by their mandated ‘vaccines.’ For the ‘vaccinated,’ the catch-22 is that even they will be categorized as being unvaccinated after an established number of months; perpetual ‘booster shots’ are on the horizon, and promised freedoms will never materialize. Papers, please.
The so-called vaccine passports serve as passports to the politics of hate and are a means to divide and conquer both sides of the vaccine issue. Of course, the issue of ‘hate’ is less about hate itself, but about ‘what’ or ‘who’ that hate is being directed against. The irony and paradox about hate is that the Left considers it Just Right to hate a Right that represents freedom, tolerance, and respect.
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