Mar 162023

When our guest Pastor Artur Pawlowski says that Canada’s police forces have been acting like the “Gestapo,” this is no overstatement or exaggeration. As he reminds us, the word “Gestapo” simply means “political police.”

That people associate this word with crimes against humanity and with totalitarianism and tyranny is reasonable and perfectly consistent with both the theory and practice behind political policing. Once a nation reaches the point where its politics requires policing, then you know without a doubt that the government in question does not have the consent of the governed. And that is the Canada of today.

Indeed, a brief description of the story behind the word “Gestapo,” as described in the Universal World Reference Encyclopedia (1955), reveals a great deal about political conditions in Canada today:

Gestapo: the Nazi secret police during the Hitler regime, 1933-1945. Gestapo is an abbreviation of “Geheime Staats-Polizei” or Secret State Police.

“Formed by Hermann Goering in 1933, it was later headed by Heinrich Himmler, who assumed control of all police organizations in 1936. Organized on military lines, the Gestapo had two military branches and one political. It was noted for its terrorism, brutality, and extra-judicial activities. Its members constituted a much-feared elite. The Allies declared it a criminal organization at the Nuremberg Trials in 1946.”

As we can see, while attributable to the Hitler regime, the word “Gestapo” has a very generic definition, aptly describing the function of its existence. It’s history also describes what Canada’s “much feared elite” did to Pastor Pawlowski. From engaging in “extra-judicial activities” to the employment of “terrorism and brutality,” Canadian politicians have turned Canada’s police forces into their own private Gestapo.

So when Artur Pawlowski uses the word “Gestapo” to describe his own personal experience and the state of tyranny in Canada today, he’s Just Right.

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  One Response to “802 – Gestapo Canada | Artur Pawlowski”

  1. Great show and interview with pastor Art.

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