Neoconservatism Part II — The Power Elite

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Jan 262025

Millions have died or suffered as a result of conflicts associated with the neoconservative ideas which have shaped American foreign policy. To understand and critique these policies effectively, it is crucial to examine the background and motivations of neoconservatives.

In Part II of our discussion on neoconservatism, we examine how, growing up in the United States as descendants of Eastern European Jewish immigrants, neocons have spent the last half-century weaving a network of allies. According to their own writings from the Project for the New American Century, their mission is to enforce a global “democratic” hegemony, with the United States at the helm and Israel as a key ally.

Fueled by the ancestral memory of exclusion—physically in the ghettos of Czarist Russia’s Pale of Settlement and ideologically by Stalinist Russia, which rejected the international communism of Leon Trotsky (né Lev Davidovich Bronstein)—these neoconservatives, whose ideas are neither “new” nor “conservative,” have banded together in a sort of loose coalition to address their historical grievances.

Their instrument of vengeance is the imposition of “democracy” worldwide however ironic that might seem. To this end, they’ve barnacled themselves to the Republican Party, despite their ideological leanings being more aligned with the Democratic Party—a party associated with racial elitism and a form of unfettered democracy, which contradicts the foundational principles of the American Republic. They propagate the false notion that only a democratic world, reminiscent of Trotsky’s globalist vision, can be truly just and good, a vision to be realized through the might of the American military-industrial complex.

While it seems that most neoconservatives have moved away from traditional religious affiliations, they maintain, perhaps subconsciously as a result of their culture, that they have been chosen to guide world affairs. This perverse belief can be likened to Plato’s “Noble Lie,” suggesting that leadership should be reserved for those considered inherently superior.

Maxime Bernier responds to Trump’s tariff threats

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Jan 112025

Robert Vaughan sat down with Maxime Bernier to discuss President Trump’s threat to impose a 25% tariff on Canadian goods crossing the border. Maxime Bernier states that the economic policies of the People’s Party of Canada would diffuse President Trump’s protectionist rhetoric, leading to more amicable negotiations and a deal beneficial to both nations.

The PPC’s policies, if implemented, would eliminate supply management, end all subsidies on lumber, oil, and gas, and dismantle the dairy cartel. These issues, according to Trump’s resent remarks, are the main stumbling blocks to freer trade with the United States. A zero-percent inflation target, also a PPC policy, would make Canada more competitive by stabilizing the purchasing power of the Canadian dollar.

Bernier also noted that before achieving freer trade with the US, Canada should remove inter-provincial barriers to trade, which increase the domestic cost of goods. He emphasized that it’s a matter of putting our own house in order before criticizing the trade practices of another country.

Also in this presentation Bernier gives a quick and blistering critique of the legacy of the Trudeau government now that Trudeau has announced his resignation.

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Neoconservatism Part I — Transforming the American cultural matrix

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Jan 062025

To understand why the United States maintains approximately 800 military bases in about 80 foreign countries and has been involved in numerous armed conflicts globally, it’s essential to examine its foreign policy of neoconservatism.

Professor Salim Mansur of Western University provides us with a master class on neoconservatism, tracing its roots back to the influx of Eastern Europeans into the American cultural matrix during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. He examines how many of these newcomers and their descendants came to influence U.S. foreign policy, transforming it from the isolationist and benign approach intended by the Founding Fathers to one that is interventionist and belligerent.

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Team of Rivals—Kennedy joins Trump to take on corrupt Democrats

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Aug 262024

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s decision to suspend his campaign and support Trump in the swing states marks a momentous shift in American politics.

His castigation of the Democratic Party as a party of “war, censorship, corruption, big pharma, big tech, big ag, and big money” has all but gutted Kamala Harris’ chance to become President.

Professor Salim Mansur of Western University joins Just Right Media’s Robert Vaughan to discuss this historic decision by Kennedy to put county before party.

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The French Connection—Globalism and Immigration

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Jul 132024

The poem “The Second Coming” by William Butler Yeats begins with the lines, “Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; / Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world.” These verses are particularly apt in light of the recent French National Assembly elections, where President Emmanuel Macron’s centrist party suffered a significant defeat. As Professor Salim Mansur observes, “They have turned against the Center.”

The historical ties between France and Canada are profound, dating back to the era of Samuel de Champlain. Approximately one quarter of Canadians trace their ancestry to France, and Canada has fought two world wars on French soil. The two nations share an intricate and intertwined history.

In light of this historical context, it is crucial to examine the recent French election results, which saw Macron’s Centrist Ensemble fall to second place, while the Leftist New Popular Front and the Rightist National Rally gained ground.

Macron’s party faced a massive defeat as the French grew weary of both a globalist agenda and an increasing immigrant population. The New Popular Front addressed the globalist agenda in a manner reminiscent of Charles de Gaulle, rejecting the machinations of a Europe that would entangle them in a conflict with Russia. Meanwhile, the National Rally, led by Marine Le Pen, focused on the issue of immigration.

Salim and Robert discuss the election results, which, contrary to the beliefs of many on the Right, are not entirely negative when viewed in full context amidst the looming backdrop of war.

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A serious conversation—Tucker Carlson’s Vladimir Putin interview

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Feb 132024

Tucker Carlson’s interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin did not reveal groundbreaking insights into the leader or his policies to those of us who have been closely monitoring events in that region. However, it did bring to light previously overlooked facts to hundreds of millions, courtesy of a journalist committed to honesty, in stark contrast to the West’s dismissive yellow press.

In this insightful discussion, Professor Emeritus, Salim Mansur and Robert Vaughan delve into the interview’s implications, exploring its impact on a global audience that is typically shielded from the truth but now finds itself unexpectedly confronted with reality, thanks to a journalist who values integrity.

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Feb 112024

When the International Court of Justice (ICJ) announced that it found it “plausible” that Israel is violating the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, many immediately drew parallels to the Holocaust, suggesting that Israel’s actions were akin to the treatment of Jews under Nazi Germany.

However, this interpretation is not accurate. The common understanding of “genocide” as the “systematic extermination” of a group of people does not align with the definition in the UN’s Convention, nor is it the definition under scrutiny by the ICJ.

In UN law, “genocide” encompasses a broad range of actions, including killing any number of people in a defined group, even a single person, or causing serious mental harm to a member of the group. This expansive definition implies that nations involved in any conflict, anywhere, at any time could potentially face allegations of “genocide.”

Professor Salim Mansur from Western University joins us to explore the implications of the ICJ’s provisional decision and its potential impact on the very existence of the state of Israel.

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