810 – Courting the cultural divide | Bruce Pardy

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May 112023

At a time when the tyranny of the administrative state has taken hold on most Western governments, the great danger in any current attempts to change laws or amend constitutions is that, because law reflects the culture, freedom will continue to be eroded instead of being valued and protected.

“Law is a product of culture,” observes our guest Bruce Pardy, Executive Director of Rights Probe who has recently testified before the National Citizen’s Inquiry. Given the current culture of tyranny, any amendments or changes to current laws or charters would tend to further restrict our rights and freedoms, not defend them.

Numerous failed court challenges to the mandated Covid lockdowns and injections have demonstrated that Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms protects neither rights nor freedom. Without recourse to a legal remedy to a violation of any given right, that right does not exist, warns Pardy.

By describing law as a political language that legitimizes politics, Pardy connects the dots between politics and the values of the culture on which its political policies are founded.

Recognizing that culture precedes politics, calling for a cultural remedy to cure the political disease may seem too abstract and difficult to achieve. But the cure is simple, even if not always quick and easy.

It takes the form of courageously speaking out with a voice of truth until truth becomes a fundamental value of the culture. After all, unless the culture is Just Right, its laws will never be so.

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The tyranny of the Administrative State | Bruce Pardy

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May 062023

In his recent testimony to the National Citizen’s Inquiry, Bruce Pardy—Executive Director of Rights Probe—made clear that Canadians have allowed their country to devolve into an all-powerful Administrative State.

We have a nation where Parliament delegates to the Executive, the Executive determines what, in their discretion, is best for the good of the country, and the courts defer to the “expertise” of the Executive.

While many might suggest that such an Executive branch is a necessary feature of a modern state we must acknowledge that given such great powers we can also expect our liberties to be in peril.

Says, Bruce, “I do not agree that it is the role of people inside the government to fix social problems. I think the role of government is to tell us what the general rules are that define the relationship between each one of us to the other and between us and the state. If you have those general abstract rules that apply to everybody all the time, then you shouldn’t need the kind of Administrative State we have now. I’m describing what is sometimes called a “Night-watchman State,” a state that is there to keep the peace and to establish the basic principles and then otherwise leaves people alone to make their own way.”

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804 – The people’s derivative—a call to action | Salim Mansur

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Mar 302023

In the wake of several consecutive years of unconscionable actions of our governments, our good friend and regular guest Salim Mansur has reached a point where he is now on a mission to turn democratic theory into practice. By proposing an addition to the preamble of Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Salim’s proposal would transform a Charter that was written by politicians for politicians into a Charter that would be written for, and authorized by, the people.

Events of the past several years have dramatically exposed the illusionary nature of Canada’s Constitution with regard to the protections of the rights and freedom of its citizens.

The very name of the Charter reflects former Prime Minister Trudeau’s obsession with codifying otherwise inalienable rights and freedom into a list of “grants” disguised as “rights” along with a list of “freedoms” in the plural. Even the silhouettes of representative Canadians depicted on each side of the Canadian flag contribute to the illusion that the Charter is a document “for the people.”

To turn the Charter into a document written “for the people,” Salim makes a persuasive and compelling case for adding seven words to the preamble of Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms: “…derived from the will of the people.”

Dictionaries define “derive” thusly: “to draw or receive, as from a source or principle,” while “derivative” is defined as “that which is derived.” In the context of a charter “derived from the will of the people,” that derivative is freedom itself. Conversely, the derivative of a charter written by politicians for politicians is tyranny.

Whether Salim’s proposal turns out to be the addition to Canada’s Charter preamble that’s Just Right for the people will ironically still depend upon the will of the people to exercise that will.

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The will of the People | Salim Mansur

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Mar 192023

Seven little words and Canada will become a nation where the people gain their sovereignty over their ruling elites.

So says our guest, Salim Mansur of Western University in an article published on his Substack, Salim’s reflections and ruminations.

Canada, since its inception, has defined itself and even prided itself in one way…”We are not Americans.” From this reactionary and defensive stance, hardly a distinguishing characteristic, it created a government in direct opposition to “We the people of the United States.” Instead, it continued the traditions of Imperial Britain and created a nation where Parliament maintained its sovereignty over the people.

Indeed, Canadians are not a sovereign people. The nation may be independent in the traditional sense that any other country might be recognized however, as with every other nation on Earth, its people lie subservient to a ruling class of elites. In Canada’s case, it is Parliament.

Salim makes it clear amidst the backdrop of recent years that saw their Charter rights literally trampled underfoot that Canadians are serfs in their own country. They have no rights which are not granted by Parliament and their inalienable rights are neither recognized nor protected.

Salim proposes that the will of the people, as expressed in the Freedom Convoy of 2022, be enshrined in an amendment to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms preamble. Seven little words would fundamentally change the nature of Canada, placing Parliament in its proper place as a servant of the people rather than their master.

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801 – Conservatively speaking | Maxime Bernier

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Mar 092023

In the wake of his unconscionable and unfounded public statement alleging that European Parliamentarian Christine Anderson‘s views are racist and hateful, Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) leader Pierre Poilievre effectively demonstrated that his is a party of the Left.

The mere fact of resorting to name calling and brandishing the collectivist label of “racist” against a principled politician visiting Canada from abroad – without having a shred of evidence or grounds to make such a statement – is a hallmark tactic of the Left.
As was the public rebuke of his three CPC members of parliament who dared to associate with Anderson.

In stark contrast to the actions of Poilievre, our guest Maxime Bernier has openly welcomed hearing what Christine Anderson has to say. As an advocate of freedom and an enemy of tyranny, Anderson’s philosophy is the opposite of the CPC’s, a sad reality openly hidden from view thanks to the word “conservative” appearing in the party’s name.

Indeed, as leader of the People’s Party of Canada (PPC) Maxime is reconsidering his past use of the term “conservative” as one of the adjectives describing the PPC. Thanks to the likes of Pierre Poilievre and his unprincipled CPC, the term “conservative” can no longer be associated with the Right nor with the freedom and individualism that the Right represents.

And thanks to the latest actions of Pierre Poilievre, yet another nail in the coffin of conservatism has been hammered into the minds of Canadians everywhere. More significantly, we now know that when Maxime Bernier first judged the CPC to be “morally and intellectually corrupt” he was Just Right from the very beginning.

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Freedom Convoy—We the people | Salim Mansur

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Feb 122023

On the anniversary of the Truckers’ Freedom Convoy, we discuss how Canada’s history and Constitution permitted the abuses by our governments which precipitated the protest and allowed for the brutal and violent response by the police.

In essence, Canada is not a nation founded on the notion that the people are supreme. It is a country founded of, by, and for elites—a nation where Parliament is supreme and the people are merely serfs.

Professor Salim Mansur of Western University says that we must reevaluate our history and revisit our Charter of Rights and Freedoms to ensure that, in the future, our individual rights are better protected from the whims of elitist politicians who have demonstrated their complete disdain for us, the people.

(This video is also available on Rumble, BitChute, and Odysee.)

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797 – Why freedom is just Right—and tyranny is always Left

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Feb 092023

The continuing confusion over distinctions between the political Left and Right contributes greatly to society’s steady drift away from freedom and towards a state of tyranny. No mere matter of semantics, the failure to objectively distinguish Left from Right blinds people to the nature of politics, a blindness that can only lead towards tyranny.

For example, when it comes to voting, most don’t think in terms of a Left and Right polarity; the polarity they think is Left and Right is the one between Republican or Democrat, Liberal or Conservative, Green or Blue, etc. But as experience repeatedly demonstrates, this is a false polarity because all of today’s political parties on the so-called “political spectrum” are on the Left – which in all its forms and political options lead consistently away from freedom.

As the architect of our dysfunctional and broken political compass, the Left has been astonishingly successful in having destroyed the proper association of freedom with the Right, while at the same time disguising the totalitarian nature of the Left. In desperation, many seeking freedom turn towards a false “Right” associated with conservatism, libertarianism, and even anarchism – all rooted in ideologies of the Left.

From its origins and history to its application in practice, any honest and objective evaluation of the principles on which freedom is based against the principles on which tyranny is based will lead to the unavoidable conclusion that Freedom is Just Right and tyranny is always Left.

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