894 – Mind of State—Neoconservatism’s Noble Lie

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Jan 082025

“Neoconservatism is not an ideology; it is a state of mind,” asserts Salim Mansur – a state of mind ultimately based on the myth of the “Noble Lie.”

Tellingly, both of these terms – ‘neoconservatism’ and the ‘Noble Lie’ – are unknown to most people. While the latter originates with the early philosophers like Plato and Aristotle, the former is a legacy of 20th century world history.

Essentially, neoconservatism is based on the ‘Noble Lie’ that some people (the ‘elites’) are endowed with a natural right to rule other people (the masses). As such, it is an attitude of the Left, and is perfectly consistent with the teachings and practice of Marxism.

Turning lies into some kind of ‘noble’ virtue is a necessity for all groups and ideologies of the Left, for the simple reason that Leftist ideas are not noble in any respect; they do not correspond to reality or to reason. That’s why the consequences of their actions are so consistently destructive to humanity.
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Neoconservatism Part I — Transforming the American cultural matrix

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Jan 062025

To understand why the United States maintains approximately 800 military bases in about 80 foreign countries and has been involved in numerous armed conflicts globally, it’s essential to examine its foreign policy of neoconservatism.

Professor Salim Mansur of Western University provides us with a master class on neoconservatism, tracing its roots back to the influx of Eastern Europeans into the American cultural matrix during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. He examines how many of these newcomers and their descendants came to influence U.S. foreign policy, transforming it from the isolationist and benign approach intended by the Founding Fathers to one that is interventionist and belligerent.

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893 – Just Sleeping? —from artificial intelligence to artificial life | John C.A. Manley

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Jan 012025

Picture a dystopian future following a global nuclear holocaust in which the world’s inhabitants have fled to underground facilities where all the humans are sleeping in pods, living virtual lives in an A.I. generated unreality.

If this theme sounds vaguely familiar, it should. It was the film The Matrix that was the inspiration for the novel “All the Humans are Sleeping,” according to its author and our guest John C.A. Manley.

What does it mean to be ‘human’? At the heart of this question lies the theme, plot, and philosophy of John’s novel. Are we mere intellects, able to exist separately from our biological bodies? Or is being human both an intellectual and physical enterprise?

It’s not as if these questions have not plagued humanity throughout its existence; how one perceives the nature of humans lies at the core of everything that an individual believes to how he behaves. Continue reading »

892 – Drones—deadly danger or devious distraction?

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Dec 252024

All around the world, people have been observing and recording sightings of lights in the sky that have for the most part been identified as large drones. In considering whether drones pose a deadly danger or are just a devious distraction, the real question being asked is: Who controls them?

Most of the attention has focused on the New Jersey town of Mendham, whose mayor Christine Glassner has personally witnessed the drones. Above all, she warns against any attempts to shoot them down, citing the possibility that the drones could be carrying a payload of explosives, chemicals, or other dangerous weaponry.

Meanwhile, ex-FBI agent John DeSouza calls the drones “LSDs” (Large Superweapon Drones) suggesting that they are capable of emitting electro-magnetic pulses (EMPs) and can deactivate drones and planes approaching them.

Most ominously, he predicts that all this activity is working up to some kind of “mass casualty event.” He suggests that this could manifest itself in a single catastrophic event or be a “slow kill,” not unlike the strategy employed during the Covid pandemic. Another way to accomplish a “slow kill” is to employ “dirty radiation bombs.” Continue reading »

891 – Canada’s dystopian derangement—from race to Russians

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Dec 182024

Upon witnessing the caliber of Canadian politicians and bureaucrats in action, it’s not hard to see why Canada has become so corrupt.

For all its claims to the contrary, Canada has become an explicitly racist, sexist, and fascist state, made so by decades of political corruption that was never addressed or rectified.

On the municipal and provincial levels, we are witness to the town of Wainfleet Ontario‘s council stealing the money and property of its own municipal taxpayers through the use of arbitrary fines.

Meanwhile, the town of Emo Ontario has been fined by an Ontario Human Rights tribunal for failing to fly a gay pride flag.

And on the federal level, Canadian podcaster Lauren Southern has been threatened and harassed for expressing her views by Canada’s fascist Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security. Continue reading »

890 – Left or Right? It’s about time we got it Right!

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Dec 112024

Many on the Right have recently found themselves questioning whether or not those on the Left are literally suffering from some kind of mental illness. In making this observation, Montreal litigator turned YouTuber David Freiheit recently said “I’m trying not to think along the terms of Left versus Right,” yet nevertheless was compelled to do exactly that. “Something is broken about a Leftie brain,” he concluded.

And he was essentially correct, though not for the reason he suspects. What is ‘broken’ in a ‘Leftie’s brain’ is the Left’s epistemology, which consists of a litany of false definitions, contradictions in logic, and an explicit rejection of reality. This mindset originates from the ‘Primacy of Consciousness,’ a way of thinking which holds that reality has no independent existence and is a product of consciousness.

No different than a computer programmed with corrupt software, those on the Left have been programmed by a ‘garbage-in-garbage-out’ political language and ideology that does not correspond to reality. Consequently, more and more rational people are beginning to realize that the Left and Right are much more widely polarized along fundamental principles than previously believed.

Of course, the fundamental flaw in the long believed-in ‘political spectrum’ is that, with Communism on the Left and Fascism falsely represented as the Right, freedom and capitalism were nowhere to be found. But both in theory and practice, fascism belongs on the Left along with its other collectivist ideologies. Freedom belongs on the Right. This is a polarity, not a spectrum. Continue reading »

889 – Trump’s mandate—to rein in the rogue state

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Dec 042024

Trump’s electoral victory should not be seen as a mission accomplished. His mission is just beginning.

“Trump has to be able to put people like those in Operation Crossfire in jail,” suggests Salim Mansur. “Unless he can do that, there will be no accounting and no future American will be safe.”

Salim describes MAGA (Make America Great Again) as a movement dedicated to restoring America to its constitutional roots. It’s a simple objective, but comes with a tremendously complex array of issues that must be addressed individually.

Those issues include America’s immigration crisis, the state of the economy, free trade and tariffs, health care, the de-weaponization of the Justice Department, and of course, the broader challenge of ‘draining the swamp,’ to name but a few.

In our review of each of these issues, we must be able to both appreciate the positive developments that have arisen as a consequence of Trump’s election, and be aware of the very real dangers associated with Trump’s coming agenda. Continue reading »