After decades of official denials about unidentified flying objects (UFOs) the U.S. Pentagon is expected to publicly release what it knows about this phenomenon by the end of this month. The timing of such an announcement has many people scratching their heads, particularly given the current political crisis in the U.S. and the global lockdowns.
At the heart of the issue has been the release of photos and other data about sightings of UFOs that have been called ‘tic tacs’ owing to their shapes resembling the popular candy of the same name.
For our purposes, what makes the issue particularly fascinating are the public discussions surrounding UFOs, given the vacuum of knowledge inherent in the nature of the phenomenon.
Particularly egregious was a May 27 panel discussion hosted on the Daily Wire wherein all the panelists failed to provide any credible theories or perspectives about the many issues involved. Unable to discuss the possibility of extra-terrestrials objectively, they resorted to the use of non sequitur, irrelevant equations of ‘probabilities’ and even introduced elements of the supernatural in an attempt to minimize the possibility of life not of this earth.
Should extra-terrestrials actually prove to exist, many fundamental religious and philosophical assumptions could be rendered invalid, challenged by the contradictions inherent in those beliefs that consider humanity to be utterly unique in the universe. Consequently, many fear that some kind of moral crisis could ensue leading to chaos in the social and moral order of humanity. Continue reading »