Jun 102021

After decades of official denials about unidentified flying objects (UFOs) the U.S. Pentagon is expected to publicly release what it knows about this phenomenon by the end of this month. The timing of such an announcement has many people scratching their heads, particularly given the current political crisis in the U.S. and the global lockdowns.

At the heart of the issue has been the release of photos and other data about sightings of UFOs that have been called ‘tic tacs’ owing to their shapes resembling the popular candy of the same name.

For our purposes, what makes the issue particularly fascinating are the public discussions surrounding UFOs, given the vacuum of knowledge inherent in the nature of the phenomenon.

Particularly egregious was a May 27 panel discussion hosted on the Daily Wire wherein all the panelists failed to provide any credible theories or perspectives about the many issues involved. Unable to discuss the possibility of extra-terrestrials objectively, they resorted to the use of non sequitur, irrelevant equations of ‘probabilities’ and even introduced elements of the supernatural in an attempt to minimize the possibility of life not of this earth.

Should extra-terrestrials actually prove to exist, many fundamental religious and philosophical assumptions could be rendered invalid, challenged by the contradictions inherent in those beliefs that consider humanity to be utterly unique in the universe. Consequently, many fear that some kind of moral crisis could ensue leading to chaos in the social and moral order of humanity. Continue reading »

706 – The bio-logic of bio-warfare—overwhelming us with the evidence

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May 132021

To suggest that the so-called ‘COVID vaccines’ are a bio-weapon and/or a population control ‘therapy’ is still considered by most an outrageous conspiratorial theory that only deserves dismissal – not because the theory is unsupportable in fact, but because it is simply unthinkable and too horrifying to accept.

That very reaction demonstrates that those who are attacking Western civilization know exactly what they are doing, and how to disarm their intended victims. They have successfully blinded people to the evidence by drowning them in that evidence.

The continuing failure of most people to understand that what they are experiencing today is not about any viral pandemic is a testament to the success of the propaganda war that parallels the physical one. Even as people question the irrationality and contradictory nature of the lockdowns and police state tactics, they cannot accept the conclusion that their own observations lead them towards.

As they drown in the evidence, most refuse to see what is drowning them. Worse, they have become their own enemies as well as a weapon ‘of’ their real enemies, particularly if they have allowed themselves to be injected with any of the ‘gene therapy’ variants.

Grasping the big picture is an uncomfortable experience, especially when doing so reveals a picture that is terrifying. And the fear of this knowledge is for many greater than their fear of lockdowns and of a viral ‘pandemic.’

But denial has never cured any disease nor ended any pandemic. Unless more people come to accept the evidence of their own senses and draw the conclusions that they know to be Just Right, what they fear today will pale in comparison to what awaits them tomorrow.

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694 – Get vaccinated now! – against vaccine propaganda

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Feb 182021

It is clear that none of the covid lockdown actions being taken by our governments make any sense at all if we are to judge those actions on the grounds being justified – that there is a dangerous virus in our midst that is killing people in pandemic numbers. Since the evidence says otherwise, and since all forms of coronavirus already have long-known effective treatments and cures available, these vaccines are completely unnecessary.

It must be understood that the ‘vaccines’ in no way protect against coronavirus, nor are they designed to do so. Both the government and the producers of the ‘vaccines’ have made it clear that no protection against coronavirus is being offered. Masking, social distancing, and vaccinations will be a permanent fact of life. (Yet most who are ‘vaccinated’ continue to believe otherwise.)

The rush to ‘vaccinate’ is an effort to circumvent the coming awakening that the so-called ‘vaccines’ are no such thing and may be a greater danger than could ever have been imagined. In addition to the massive numbers of adverse ‘vaccination’ reactions already part of the official record, perhaps the most frightening possibility now emerging in medical discussions is that the ‘vaccines’ being administered under the guise of fighting a virus make effective bio-weapons.

That’s because the ‘vaccines’ aren’t vaccines at all. What is being injected into millions is called a “generic therapy technology,” a technology described by bio-weapons expert Dr Lee Merrit (and others) as the “perfect binary weapon.” Continue reading »

669 – Deference to expertise | Professor Christopher Essex

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Aug 272020

“Giving one person such power is an example of the anti-democratic deference to expertise in our society.”

That warning conveyed by our guest Dr Christopher Essex, Professor, Dept of Applied Mathematics at the University of Western Ontario, came after observing that “they are now requiring masks on the basis of a decision from a public health official concerned with future outbreaks.”

Expanding on Richard Feynmann’s observation that “science is a belief in the ignorance of experts,” Dr Essex adds that the analytical process is alien to politics. Nevertheless, governing interests rely on data and mathematical model projections to validate a COVID-19 narrative justifying continual state control over freedom of association.

Most alarming is the lack of any “limiting principle” signalling an end to the lockdowns and controls. This is reflected in a similar lack of “limiting principles” regarding the data and models that were used to project alarming and incorrect pandemic statistics.

Dr Essex’s unique analytical perspective on the whole COVID-19 phenomenon raises issues rarely considered. These include: the workings of networks and nodes in the spread and dissipation of coronavirus, the collectivist thinking that inhibits finding solutions, the herd mentality that creates a climate of fear out of “style and fashion,” the “virtuous corruption” practiced for causes believed to be just, and a general lack of common sense in coping with the crisis.

Reassuringly, it’s not necessary to be an ‘expert’ in order to distinguish facts from fictions. As Dr Essex advises, simply applying common sense is far more reliable than “experts” would have us believe. Everyone should stop being afraid, think independently, and direct their efforts towards better understanding the greater context of the COVID-19 pandemic. What better way to arrive at any valid conclusions that are Just Right!

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592 – Guest: Paul Lambert – A short wave with a long reach

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Jan 242019

Radio Tower

Shortwave radio has long been a weapon in the war of ideas, and continues to be so today, much to the surprise of many. So powerful a weapon, at times throughout history simply being caught in possession of a shortwave radio could warrant imprisonment or death.

It is a significant fact that those threatened by shortwave signals have never been friends of freedom. So it is fitting that our guest, Paul Lambert, who sponsors Just Right on shortwave broadcasts heard around the world, should join us in a discussion about shortwave and about some of his European perspectives on many of the issues often raised on the show.

As a resident of Berlin, Paul’s views on the political environment within Germany offer some fascinating comparisons to the narratives heard outside that country in the major news media. From the disturbing social trends between men and women developing in conjunction with Germany’s mass migration policies, to arbitrarily forcing households, employers, and even car rental agencies to pay a ‘TV tax,’ these trends may well become the norm in a not-too-distant North American Leftist future as well.

At the heart of every issue discussed is, of course, the very ‘right’ itself to discuss any matter or issue with willing participants, and to share those discussions with willing listeners/viewers. A ‘TV tax’ is merely one contrived way to force the unwilling to finance views and values not shared or even opposed. Continue reading »

512 – Guest: Salim Mansur – Tweeting above the media storm trumpers

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Jul 062017


He’s the master of insults,” says our in-studio guest Salim Mansur, “and that is a good thing.” US President Donald Trump has pioneered the social media of Twitter in a way that resembles “the Haiku of American politics,” notes Salim. He predicts that in the future we should not be surprised at the emergence of “a serous and academic discussion on tweeting.”

No doubt, Donald Trump would have to be the primary subject of that serious and academic discussion. Trump has successfully taken control of the “news reports” surrounding his presidency by mastering the art of tweeting, and in so doing, has amassed a following on Twitter that dwarfs that of the “established” media news outlets.

What have been called “outbursts” and “undignified comments” etc., penned by Trump’s tweets, are, upon closer examination, very calculated and effective methods of communicating with the public at large. Once again, Trump towers above his media opponents in every respect – from being effective at getting his message across, to the size of the audience following him on Twitter. It is an unprecedented revolution.

But that’s only half the story. As repeated experience has been demonstrating, it turns out that it is Trump, and not the media, who appears to be the guy who’s telling it like it is to the American public. Continue reading »

512 – Guest: Salim Mansur – Tweeting above the media storm trumpers

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Jul 062017


He’s the master of insults,” says our in-studio guest Salim Mansur, “and that is a good thing.” US President Donald Trump has pioneered the social media of Twitter in a way that resembles “the Haiku of American politics,” notes Salim. He predicts that in the future we should not be surprised at the emergence of “a serous and academic discussion on tweeting.”

No doubt, Donald Trump would have to be the primary subject of that serious and academic discussion. Trump has successfully taken control of the “news reports” surrounding his presidency by mastering the art of tweeting, and in so doing, has amassed a following on Twitter that dwarfs that of the “established” media news outlets.

What have been called “outbursts” and “undignified comments” etc., penned by Trump’s tweets, are, upon closer examination, very calculated and effective methods of communicating with the public at large. Once again, Trump towers above his media opponents in every respect – from being effective at getting his message across, to the size of the audience following him on Twitter. It is an unprecedented revolution.

But that’s only half the story. As repeated experience has been demonstrating, it turns out that it is Trump, and not the media, who appears to be the guy who’s telling it like it is to the American public. Continue reading »