604 – Clips & Credits
(A) Star Trek Deep Space Nine 623 (How much nicer?)
(B) PragerU, Candace Owens Show, March 3 2019, Rosanne Barr (#YouToo movement)
(C) PragerU, Candace Owens Show, March 3 2019, Rosanne Barr (Everything is rape)
(D) Heritage Foundation, January 28 2019, The Inequality Of The Equality Act, Julia Beck (Lesbians against LGBTQ)
(E) Heritage Foundation, January 28 2019, The Inequality Of The Equality Act, Jennifer Chavez (Gender identifying child abuse)
(F) Janice Fiamengo, Studio Brule, April 3 2019, All Anti-Feminism All The Time (Making men voiceless)
(G) Janice Fiamengo, Studio Brule, April 3 2019, All Anti-Feminism All The Time (Bleak expectations)
(H) PragerU, Candace Owens Show, March 3 2019, Rosanne Barr (On good looks alone)
Hosted By: Bob Met