It is a sad fact that the vast majority of people have no idea what either socialism or capitalism actually are. However despite this shortcoming, most have some vague association regarding the moral justification for each.
Generally, most associate socialism with an altruistic philosophy of caring for others, and capitalism with selfishness, greed, and exploitation of others. Both of these viewpoints are false, and both emanate from the ideology of the Left.
Just as most are unaware of the nature of either socialism or capitalism, they also are unaware of the person who was primarily responsible for creating their false conceptions of each: Karl Marx.
Karl Marx was a loser in regard to every aspect of what it means to be human. In his image, he created the religion of Marxism. “It’s crucial to see Marxism as a religious architecture, not an economic theory,” warns Professor James Lindsay. And as reported by TIKhistory, “Karl Marx was brought up in mainstream religion instilling him with an altruistic morality.” Continue reading »