781 – On the war fronts—from Covid to climate

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Oct 202022

Behind the totalitarian urge to form a “one world” government lies a veritable menu of sinister conspiracies. We have reached a point of convergence where it is increasingly difficult to separate otherwise seemingly unrelated events from each other.

Fighting climate change. Fighting Russians. Fighting Covid. Fighting free speech. Threatening nuclear war. Forcing vaccine injections. Collapsing currencies. Stealing elections. Etc.

Taken individually, each of these events is concerning enough. Together, they are symptoms of a civilization in the process of collapsing. When civilizations collapse, they do so on many fronts, but in the end, there is really only one battlefront: the philosophical one.

Philosophy embodies values, and differences in philosophies become most visible when in political conflict. These conflicts manifest themselves more within nations than between them. Hence, Left versus Right.

However, when it comes to the Left, not only is it in conflict with the Right, but with reality itself. So positioned, Leftist ideology is always forced to rely on coercion and conspiracy to gain power.

It is ironic that those who expose the Left’s conspiracies should be labeled “conspiracy theorists” when the conspirators themselves openly announce their conspiratorial plans well in advance, even giving them names like the ‘Great Re-set!” Worse, whenever the Left observes increasing numbers on the Right acting in unison, this is presented as evidence of “conspiracy.”

However, unlike tyranny, freedom is not sustained by force and fraud, but through reason and consent. When human beings collectively abide by a reality-based moral code that is Just Right, calling it a conspiracy is just wrong.

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767 – Just follow the money—down the psycho path to tyranny

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Jul 142022

It’s just one crisis after another. The dramatic earth-shaking events of the past week alone should have been cause for pause. From the assassination of Japan’s Shinzo Abe to the fall of Sri Lanka’s government to the millions protesting against their governments in Germany, France, Italy, Poland, and Holland, the news events are too many to keep track of.

All that, in addition to the continuing “war” in Ukraine, the continuing staggering death and injury toll from the “vaccines,” a collapsing economy and inflationary trends threatening food shortages and even threats of nuclear war.

But to make all of these events understandable and addressable, the common denominator to all of them must be uncovered – the intentional and planned agendas of the few responsible.

Recently, Alex Jones re-posted a chilling 2007 interview with “award-winning filmmaker turned freedom fighter” Aaron Russo. In addition to having run for governor in the state of Nevada, he also had close connections and personal friends within the corporate and political elite – some of the very people planning the disasters and who told him exactly what those plans were.

“They want to create a one world government run by the banks, where everybody has an ID chip implanted in them, and all money will be in those chips, and there will be no cash. We are dealing with complete evil,” he explained while citing the Federal Reserve System as the source of the evil.

Though he passed away in the same year of the interview and could have no way of knowing the current state of the world today, Russo predicted the reality of 2022 with a clarity that most living in 2022 have yet to awaken to.

Unless a significant number of people come to appreciate the magnitude of our moral crisis – and act to reverse it, expecting anything to ever be Just Right again is a fool’s expectation.

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754 – It’s party time for capitalism! | Mark Pellegrino

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Apr 142022

Co-founder of the American Capitalist Party, our guest Mark Pellegrino has set the terms from which to expand his April 7 discussion with Just Right co-host Robert Vaughan on video into today’s broadened discussion on the ideas and philosophy that drive many freedom and capitalism advocates: Objectivism.

Across various jurisdictions, the creation of political parties founded on freedom/capitalism suggests an awakening to the fundamentals underlying our political crisis. Most interestingly, many of these parties (including the American Capitalist Party) have cited the ‘Objectivist’ philosophy of Ayn Rand as a guiding light in the establishment of their own party policies.

However as one might expect, even among those inspired by Rand’s philosophy, disagreements and various interpretations of her ideas abound. Happily, these conflicting opinions actually provide a much-needed discussion of the principles and forces that drive our political zeitgeist.

In America as in Canada, there are a growing number of political parties seen to be on the ‘freedom’ side of the political polarity. Among them: various independent and libertarian parties in both countries, Ontario’s Freedom Party, Canada’s People’s Party, and of course, the American Capitalist Party.

“Libertarians reject an objective (universal) morality,” argues Mark, in citing how the American Capitalist Party differs from various libertarian parties.

In the end, which of these parties ever wins an election will depend less on their policies and platforms being Just Right, than on a majority of the voting public believing them to be right enough to support at the polls.

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Apr 072022

Mark Pellegrino is not only a successful actor (Supernatural, The Tomorrow People) he is also an Objectivist and co-founder of the American Capitalist Party.

In conversation with Robert Vaughan, he discusses how Ayn Rand’s philosophy for living has benefitted his life and career and formed the basis for the policies and platform of the American Capitalist Party.

This video is also available on Rumble here.

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Oct 072021

Hate is alive and well within Canada’s mainstream political parties and media, and mandated vaccination passports have made this socially acceptable.

Expect an onslaught of hate against the Right to be intensified over the coming months ahead. The increased popularity of the People’s Party of Canada (PPC) following the Canadian election has triggered the likes of Canada’s prime minister Justin Trudeau to publicly deliver an unconscionable hate rant – against the so-called ‘unvaccinated’ – unlike anything ever heard from a Canadian prime minister.

Despite the visible tidal wave of deaths and ‘adverse’ reactions to the so-called ‘vaccines’ being mandated by governments everywhere, Trudeau nevertheless continues to mandate the poisonous concoctions. But with adverse reactions expected to reach astronomical proportions over the months ahead, those pushing the ‘vaccines’ can’t hide forever.

Like globalists everywhere, our political tyrants have gotten themselves backed into an unresolvable disaster of their own making. Their chosen recourse now is to look for scapegoats on which to project their failures, hatreds, and sheer immorality.

Outrageously, and against all the evidence, they are blaming the unvaccinated for causing the harms done by their mandated ‘vaccines.’ For the ‘vaccinated,’ the catch-22 is that even they will be categorized as being unvaccinated after an established number of months; perpetual ‘booster shots’ are on the horizon, and promised freedoms will never materialize. Papers, please.

The so-called vaccine passports serve as passports to the politics of hate and are a means to divide and conquer both sides of the vaccine issue. Of course, the issue of ‘hate’ is less about hate itself, but about ‘what’ or ‘who’ that hate is being directed against. The irony and paradox about hate is that the Left considers it Just Right to hate a Right that represents freedom, tolerance, and respect.

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Aug 052021

In mid-July, Ontario Premier Doug Ford suggested that Ontario would not be implementing a so-called ‘vaccine passport’ despite his government’s having previously suggested otherwise. But at the same time, private businesses and retailers in Ontario have been implementing their own versions of this divisive concept, some insisting that only those vaccinated may enter their premises, while others insist that those vaccinated may not enter their premises.

Either way, these establishments are guilty of discrimination and should be held accountable for these discriminatory practices. So says our guest Paul McKeever in a position paper developed for the Freedom Party of Ontario.

“Outlaw vaccination discrimination now!” suggests Paul, applying arguments and principles rarely heard (or understood) in the discussion of this very serious controversy. Up till now, the issue has been polarized and argued in an intellectual, moral, and philosophical vacuum, with each side blind to the strict context within which such a discussion is valid – the context of free trade. Continue reading »

712 – The grasshopper and the squirrel—a modern day history lesson | Salim Mansur

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Jun 242021

It is often said that we never seem to ‘learn from history.’ Perhaps in today’s context it can be further argued that it is impossible to learn from history given that history is being re-written to reflect a past that just wasn’t so.

This false depiction of history has been described as part of the so-called ‘cancel culture’ movement, a movement that has adopted all of the evils of the collectivist regimes defeated in World War II. Indeed, the history of the Western nations since the defeat of Hitler and the Nazi regime in 1945 reflects a philosophical shift towards the very collectivism that was fought against.

In the Western world today, our governments are openly adopting Marxist ideology under the guise of ‘equity,’ ‘racism,’ ‘white supremacy,’ ‘climate change,’ and even of fighting a viral pandemic. What all these seemingly unrelated issues have in common is that they are manufactured crisis designed to expand the power of the state at the expense of individual freedom.

How did we get here? That’s the question our guest Salim Mansur addresses as he describes Marx’s binary notion of the oppressor and the oppressed, a false notion that continues to be accepted as grounds for the destruction of individual freedom.

The parable of the grasshopper and the squirrel illustrates this lesson from history, suggests Salim. Continue reading »