Oct 212024

We highly recommend Much Ado About Corona: A Dystopian Love Story for its accurate portrayal of the human condition during the upheaval of the COVID-19 era. This narrative not only weaves an enjoyable tale of romance and adventure but also serves as a much needed reflection of the shared experience during those years.

In the aftermath of any significant historical event, one has the choice between engaging with the clinical, data-driven accounts found in academic papers and history books, the politically skewed accounts in newspapers and government press releases, or exploring the emotional, psychological, and social dimensions through the immersive storytelling of fiction.

Much Ado About Corona offers a literary lens through which to view the complexities, the chaos, and the collective madness of the COVID-19 years, making it an essential read for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of this recent and painful historical moment.

Here we interview author John C. A. Manley and delve into some of the background details which went into the creation of “Much Ado About Corona” and also some of the events during the Corona-era which prompted the writing of the novel.

It should be noted that YouTube removed this video from their platform for its accurate analysis of the Covid years and for condemning the medical tyranny which tarnished that time in our history.

Links to where you can purchase Much Ado About Corona can be found at https://www.blazingpinecone.com/books/corona/

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Jun 042024

“One death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic.” ~ Stalin

The callousness of Stalin’s treatment of his countrymen is infamous. One might assume that such disdain for human life would be an isolated historical incident. However, enduring the events of recent years, we have witnessed a level of carnage rivaling the scale of the Soviet Union’s purges and pogroms.

The data on all-cause mortality now available reveals that there was no COVID-19 pandemic. It was, in fact, a complete fabrication. Instead of the feared “curve” or upsurge in hospital admissions overwhelming the “system,” we saw doctors and nurses gleefully performing choreographed dance routines in the empty corridors and wards of vacant hospitals.

Just as the data surrounding the COVID-19 deaths was suspect, so too are the statistics concerning just how many people died or were severely crippled and otherwise injured from the injection of an experimental mRNA into their system to create a toxic spike protein.

By the Canadian government’s own admission, these are the results of vaccine injuries (excluding Quebec which has its own reporting and compensation system):
Total adverse events: 58,712 (as of Jan 5, 2024)
Non-serious: 47,010
Serious: 11,702
Deaths: 488 (although they claim only 4 were causally related to the COVID-19 injections)

Each injury represents a tragedy. The tens of thousands injured? Well, that’s just a statistic.

With the pall of fear hanging over the heads of healthcare professional who dare to question the doctrine of their guilds these statistics should be considered to be a pale reflection of the actual carnage inflicted on us by those responsible.

In November of 2023 the National Citizens Inquiry (NCI) released its report on the overreach by governments in response to “the pandemic that never was.” It’s conclusions are damning, and its documentation and archiving of some of the stories of Canadians adversely affected by the “pandemic” are monumental.

Ches Crosbie, a Newfoundland lawyer and former Leader of that province’s official opposition (2018-2021), played a key role in administrating the NCI. His experience makes him uniquely qualified, indeed an expert, in understanding how COVID-19 and the government’s response to it injured and even killed Canadians.

In his concluding words in this discussion with Just Right Media’s Robert Vaughan, Crosbie states:
“The reality is, I’m convinced, that modern societies, our society, is not susceptible to pandemics. That’s the one lie that underlies all the other lies. That we are subject to pandemics at all is the greatest lie and anyone who advances a platform—news, advice, recommends vaccines—they need to go into the category of extreme suspicion because they’re trying to sell you something based on fear and a fear which is wholly unjustified. Watch out for the purveyors of fear. They are probably lying.”

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On the record—Canada’s tyrannical response to COVID-19 | Ches Crosbie—National Citizens Inquiry

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Feb 192024

The COVID-19 pandemic plunged Canada into a culture of fear and panic, marked by egregious violations of individual rights not seen since times of war. One might assume that the federal and provincial governments would have faced opposition to their unjustified and tyrannical measures aimed at curbing the spread of what amounted to nothing more than a severe flu. However, they did not. Instead, all of “officialdom” supported the measures taken, and anyone who questioned those measures were tormented, canceled, and vilified. Some were even beaten, arrested, and imprisoned.

In turbulent times Canadians normally turn to the mainstream media to pose challenging questions regarding the actions of government, pursue a balanced approach to the available “expert” information, and at the very least document the experiences of Canadians. Not this time. The mainstream media, receiving funding by the federal government since 2019, completely failed Canadians. No probing questions were asked, no alternative opinions were offered, and the negative effects of government actions were ignored. Some legacy media outlets even stooped to inciting hatred and encouraging Canadians to turn on those who did not share the official narrative.

With the lack of responsibility and probity on the part of Canadian officials, institutions, and media, it fell to the People themselves to document the effects of the government’s overreach and offer solutions.

The National Citizens Inquiry (NCI) marked a first for Canada. Citizen-led and funded it traversed the county gathering the heartbreaking stories of 305 victims, the testimony of 94 experts in law and medicine, and over 76,000 signatures on a petition of support.

Ches Crosbie, a Canadian Lawyer and spokesman for the NCI, joins Robert Vaughan to discuss some of the recommendations of the NCI’s final report: Inquiry into the Appropriateness and Efficacy of the COVID-19 Response in Canada, released November 28, 2023, and the disregard of the report by those who would benefit most from its findings.

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Dec 142023

Few people have actually experienced being hospitalized or the pain and discomfort that most often accompanies the need for hospitalization. That unfortunate opportunity presented itself to Just Right’s host Robert Metz who in today’s broadcast reports on that experience along with some broader observations about Canada’s socialized health care system.

London Ontario’s Victoria Hospital is a city within a city. Helicopters fly in regularly bringing patients from various parts of the province and arriving ambulances can be heard on a regular basis. But given many of the news items and stories about Canada’s health care crisis, all of this activity seems incongruous with the reports.

Beyond such considerations, the one thing most of the patients in the trauma unit share in common is the “pain factor.” How each individual reacts to pain – whether their own pain or the pain of others – can be as different as night and day. Beyond the physical trauma and challenge of being in the trauma unit of the hospital, there is also psychological stress that can lead to unexpected consequences.

Our brief investigation into one such consequence has led to a philosophical principle that strikes at the heart of human behavior.

Perhaps the greatest irony about pain is that it so often is the motivation required to push people in a direction that is Just Right.

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814 – Awakening to tyranny requires awakening to freedom

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Jun 082023

With the debut of The Great Awakening, the Great conversation has expanded from an awakening about the tyranny into which we have been flung to an awakening about freedom denied.

Produced and narrated by filmmaker Mikki Willis, the documentary begins by using Canada as its “exhibit A” of tyranny. Highlighting Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s love of dictatorship and his contempt for Canadians and their freedom, the documentary offers Canada as a perfect example of what’s wrong with socialism.

Most significantly, the film challenges the legitimacy of the so-called political “spectrum,” arriving at the correct conclusion that the ultimate political polarity is the struggle between collectivism and individualism.

But “waking up” is just the first step on the road back to freedom. The real challenge ahead requires “staying awake” in the spirit of eternal vigilance.

One cannot awaken to the nature of tyranny in a vacuum. Tyranny is the condition that exists in opposition to the condition of freedom. And unless freedom is understood in a way that is Just Right, tyranny will continue to triumph for the lack of freedom’s being seen.

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Feb 152023

Dr. Jessica Rose is a Canadian researcher using her expertise in immunology and computational biology to raise the alarm about COVID-19 “vaccines.”

The decision by the Centers For Disease Control (CDC) recommending that COVID-19 “vaccines” be included in the typical regimen of vaccines given to children as young as six months old has her alarmed. This decision, coupled with her research which has shown that as many as 13 million people worldwide may have died as a result of COVID-19 mRNA injections should horrify any parent.

“I don’t even know how to think about this seriously. A six-month-old baby’s immune system, neurological system, cardiovascular system, all of the systems are really in the development phase so we have no idea what the impact of doing this is. Do not put this crap into your babies. Don’t do it.”

(This video banned by YouTube but can be found on our Rumble, BitChute, and Odysee channels.)

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788 – Always mention freedom | Dr Laura Braden

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Dec 082022

“Never mention ivermectin” warns our guest Dr Laura Braden who learned that lesson the hard way.

Her experience mirrored our own 2020 observation that “prohibitions against prescribing hydroxychloroquine to COVID-19 patients is the smoking gun that makes those behind these measures prime suspects in a conspiracy of mass murder never before seen in Western nations.“

Like hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin is known for its effectiveness in fighting the causes and symptoms associated with various viral infections. But under today’s medical tyranny where all solutions require injections, alternate inexpensive and effective treatments are unwelcome to those in the business of pushing injections at taxpayer expense.

As a molecular immunologist, Dr Braden was suspicious about the whole pandemic from the outset. Now after having discovered how the word “ivermectin” throws fear into the hearts of the heartless medical establishment, she has added another word to her arsenal against medical tyranny: “freedom.”

She is director of the Board of Taking Back Our Freedoms, whose mission is “to educate and empower people to take back their freedoms.” With freedom as its operative principle and objective, we can expect that today’s politicians and governments will do whatever they can to “never mention” its existence, just as they never mention their own culpability in having stolen our freedoms in the first place.

Never mentioning ivermectin is a sinister and pathetic censorship strategy intended to obscure the truth. Always mentioning freedom is the starting point for a transparent and open free speech strategy proven to be Just Right when it comes to discovering any truth.

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