897 – Putting Canada first | Maxime Bernier

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Jan 292025

With a pending Canadian federal election just around the corner, we continue our January 15 preview conversation with PPC leader Maxime Bernier with a deeper focus on some of the specific policies that the PPC will be bringing to the Canadian electorate.

Significantly, Maxime Bernier and the People’s Party of Canada have of late been garnering the attention of the broader international community, which is not only becoming aware that Bernier exists, but that Poilievre may not be Canada’s ideal alternative to the Trudeau regime. Moreover, it is becoming clear that there are many similar patterns of election interference and corruption targeting Maxime’s election campaign that echo the experience of many Western nations.

After all, silencing voices of reason and common sense is a necessary objective of all those who promote Leftist ideologies and policies. That’s why the rules keep changing to keep Maxime Bernier out of the leaders’ debate in the upcoming election.

Small wonder. Just about everything that Bernier and the PPC stand for is the polar opposite of the entrenched Canadian establishment.
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891 – Canada’s dystopian derangement—from race to Russians

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Dec 182024

Upon witnessing the caliber of Canadian politicians and bureaucrats in action, it’s not hard to see why Canada has become so corrupt.

For all its claims to the contrary, Canada has become an explicitly racist, sexist, and fascist state, made so by decades of political corruption that was never addressed or rectified.

On the municipal and provincial levels, we are witness to the town of Wainfleet Ontario‘s council stealing the money and property of its own municipal taxpayers through the use of arbitrary fines.

Meanwhile, the town of Emo Ontario has been fined by an Ontario Human Rights tribunal for failing to fly a gay pride flag.

And on the federal level, Canadian podcaster Lauren Southern has been threatened and harassed for expressing her views by Canada’s fascist Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security. Continue reading »

885 – State of confusion—about the state

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Nov 062024

Now that Trump has achieved his well-earned electoral victory, expectations will be high for the Trump team to deliver on its agenda. If past experience is any guide, the greatest danger now facing the Right is for a sense of complacency to emerge within its ranks, following a victory presumed to be an end goal.

Too often, many on the Right disengage from the political process after achieving a given political objective. Meanwhile, the Left never ceases to aggressively engage in the political process irrespective of its victories or losses.

It is not for nothing it is said that eternal vigilance is the price of freedom. It is a lack of that vigilance (and understanding) required to protect freedom that has allowed the process of state growth to continue unabated.

Thus the years ahead demand a clear understanding of the nature of what we have all been through, in terms of our governments running amok, constantly creating crisis’, and pushing us to the brink of war. To reverse that trend and to prevent it from repeating, we must correctly identify the cause and process that leads to tyranny.

Towards that end our attention was recently drawn to Murray Rothbard’s Anatomy of the State (1974), in which the classic libertarian defined what the state is and is not, along with the step-by-step process that tyrannical governments universally follow to achieve their sinister ends. It is a process chillingly descriptive of today’s political zeitgeist. Continue reading »

883 – Just write—the power of fiction is no fiction | John C.A. Manley

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Oct 232024

Canadians were “surprisingly sadistic” during Canada’s recent Covid lockdowns says author John Manley, whose fictional account of that reality reflects some of his own personal experience in that regard.

As a book that just “had to be written,” Much Ado About Corona is a chilling reminder of a very real dystopia that many are attempting to shove down the memory hole of forgotten lessons of history. Indeed, the absence of current fictional stories, TV shows and movies that even acknowledge the recent and current forced lockdowns, forced injections, and other death cult atrocities is telling.

Not surprisingly, YouTube immediately deleted our interview with John, recognizing that, even though ostensibly a discussion about fiction and writing fiction, truth is no stranger to fiction. Truth is an essential element of any good fiction.

In contrast, YouTube prides itself on spreading lies, misinformation, and disinformation while projecting its crimes on to those who are exposing YouTube’s lies, misinformation, and disinformation. YouTube gives new meaning to the phrase ‘truth is stranger than fiction.’

But the power of fiction is no fiction. Especially when truth becomes ‘stranger than fiction,’ it is fiction that can best reveal that truth in a way that is Just Right.

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Oct 212024

We highly recommend Much Ado About Corona: A Dystopian Love Story for its accurate portrayal of the human condition during the upheaval of the COVID-19 era. This narrative not only weaves an enjoyable tale of romance and adventure but also serves as a much needed reflection of the shared experience during those years.

In the aftermath of any significant historical event, one has the choice between engaging with the clinical, data-driven accounts found in academic papers and history books, the politically skewed accounts in newspapers and government press releases, or exploring the emotional, psychological, and social dimensions through the immersive storytelling of fiction.

Much Ado About Corona offers a literary lens through which to view the complexities, the chaos, and the collective madness of the COVID-19 years, making it an essential read for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of this recent and painful historical moment.

Here we interview author John C. A. Manley and delve into some of the background details which went into the creation of “Much Ado About Corona” and also some of the events during the Corona-era which prompted the writing of the novel.

It should be noted that YouTube removed this video from their platform for its accurate analysis of the Covid years and for condemning the medical tyranny which tarnished that time in our history.

Links to where you can purchase Much Ado About Corona can be found at https://www.blazingpinecone.com/books/corona/

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882 – Singing to end the reign (of tyranny)—with more music that’s Just Right

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Oct 162024

“It’s culture” say many reacting to the flood of musical memes based on Donald Trump’s “Eating-the-dogs-eating-the-cats” refrain.

In this, our fourth venture into the culture of ‘Music that’s Just Right,’ the significance of the memes have forced us to feature several versions, attesting to a musical phenomenon that is unprecedented. With the American election only a few weeks away, their significance is all the more heightened.

It is remarkable how creative and well-performed so many of these memes are. Even more remarkable is that they are being created at all. For Donald Trump, this represents a massive cultural re-alignment, once again demonstrating the principle that “politics is downstream from culture.”

Of course, our musical spotlight today extends beyond the current “Eating-the-dogs-eating-the-cats” phenomenon. Also featured are several musical voices for freedom from other eras in the history of Western culture. These yet again demonstrate another principle – that history repeats, and that the struggle for freedom is eternal and demands eternal vigilance.

Sometimes that vigilance takes the form of music that’s Just Right.

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872 – From Marx to Jefferson—Epicurious about Epicurus

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Aug 072024

When a philosopher has been said to influence everyone from Karl Marx to Thomas Jefferson, it bears taking note, particularly given the polarized political zeitgeist in which we currently find ourselves. One such philosopher was Epicurus (341-270 BC), perhaps best known as an advocate of ‘the simple life’ as the path to happiness.

So naturally, we became ‘epi-curious’ about Epicurus given that the right to the ‘pursuit of happiness’ is a founding principle of a free society. What we discovered was that ‘happiness’ itself is an incredibly polarized concept, a polarization that can also be seen in terms of the political Left and Right. This perhaps partially accounts for the differing narratives and interpretations regarding Epicurus’ history and philosophy.

For example, given the contrast between the motivations of Karl Marx and Thomas Jefferson, it should not be surprising that each interpreted the philosophy of Epicurus in equally contrasting ways. Were Epicurus alive today, how he himself might have viewed their Epicurean narratives is certainly a subject open to discussion.

According to one source regarding the Greek philosopher: “Epicurus promoted the following worldview: the universe is made of atoms and void and subject to the laws of physics without divine intervention. The world can be understood through an empiricist epistemology, and pleasure, pursued intelligently and ethically, is the goal of life.” Continue reading »