895 – Trumping Trudeau—the art of Trump’s deal with Canada | Maxime Bernier

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Jan 152025

As America’s Donald Trump again prepares to lead his nation, Justin Trudeau finally prepares to end his disgraceful rule of Canada. Maxime Bernier, leader of the People’s Party of Canada (PPC), asserts that history will judge Justin Trudeau as Canada’s worst Prime Minister ever.

Meanwhile, south of Canada’s border, the state of California has been experiencing a fire that is far less the consequence of nature than the consequence of political ideology. Simultaneously, Donald Trump is about to take the helm of a nation that is also on political fire from coast-to-coast, making the California fires a perfect metaphor for what he’s up against.

On top of Trump’s domestic priority list is the issue of illegal immigration and Canada has come to be seen as a major problem in this regard.

Given Trump’s threats to impose high tariffs on Canada, plus his jokingly suggesting that Canada become the 51st state in the union, Canadian reactions have spanned a spectrum of differing views. Some reject the suggestion outright, while others have expressed a preference for being part of America rather than having to endure Trudeau any longer. Continue reading »

Jun 192024

“Is Europe turning far right?” That question is being asked by many commentators both in social media and in the mainstream media itself. Concluding that the the recent results in the European Union parliamentary elections represent a “conservative Red wave and a move to the Right,” expectations are high that the tide of tyranny is finally reaching an end.

Aside from the inconvenient fact that conservatism is associated with the color blue, and not red, one can never be certain what values most people associate with the Right. The same uncertainty presents itself regarding the association of conservatives, libertarians and Objectivists with the Right. One of the problems with the terms Left and Right is that to most people, these terms are not associated with definitive ideas but simply represent political opposition.

It’s safe to say that virtually all those on the Left are globalists, even if they are unaware of that term. They idealize a ‘nation-less’ world as some kind of utopia, utterly oblivious to the horrifying reality of that idea. Disappointingly (and surprising to some), conservatives, libertarians, and even Objectivists have many representatives and factions promulgating Leftist objectives and ideals, particularly globalism and an end to the sovereignty of nations.

Consequently, you can never be sure whether any of these individuals and groups are on the Left or Right until you understand their specific views and policies as measured against the understood and correct principles of each polarity.

‘Red’ or ‘Blue,’ whether that wave is truly moving in the Right direction is a question that can only be resolved when the wave reaches the shore of national governance.

When the Left constantly berates anything Right as being ‘far,’ ‘extreme,’ or whatever, the objective is to destroy the very concept of being Right. To the extent that they can get enough people to believe that being Just Right is simply not possible, the Left will continue to win the information war even in the midst of a ‘Red wave.’

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864 – The Right WING—flying in every direction

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Jun 122024

The belief that Left and Right have become useless labels has been utterly destructive to those on the Right.

Expressing a recognition that conservatives and liberals have become a ‘uni-party,’ many on the Right have falsely operated on the assumption that, for example, Republicans represent the Right and Democrats represent the Left. The sad fact is that, just as ‘Republicans in name only’ (RINOs) are not Republicans, so too many on the right ‘wing’ are ‘Right in name only.’ Or in other words, their ideologies are Left.

How did this misconception of Left and Right arise?

That Republicans and Democrats sit in ‘opposition’ to each other leads most to believe that the split between them is ideological – Left versus Right. But the real ‘split’ is about power, not about ideology. (This principle also applies to parliamentary governments, where there is an ‘official opposition’ yet with little or no ideological difference to the ruling party.) Continue reading »

May 012024

Conservatism is being promoted as a Christian political philosophy that should be applied to the governing of a country. That, at least, was the expressed opinion of David Haskell (Wilfred Laurier University) during his recent debate with Bruce Pardy (Queen’s Law).

Sponsored by Augustine College and First Freedoms Foundation, the 2024 Rand Debate (named after Canadian Supreme Court Justice Ivan Rand), was based on the following resolution: “Be it resolved that, as Wokeism destroys the West, the first responsibility of government is to foster a virtuous society, rather than protect individual liberty.”

In addition to the resolution itself being based on a contradiction (pitting “virtue” against “liberty” when in fact they are inseparable), the debate serves as an ideal exhibit of what we have been referring to as the “political dyslexia” persistently surrounding political debates and discussions.

Most disturbing is the Christian ‘virtue signaling’ now literally being advocated as a political response to the politics of WOKE virtue signaling.

David Haskell argues that through the power of the state, “conservatism as guided by the Judeo-Christian tradition is going to make choices you don’t agree with, especially if you’re not a religious believer.” Bruce Pardy, in response, notes that “this is why so many progressives think that conservatives are dangerous.”

Given Haskell’s subjective definitions of words like ‘liberal’, ‘virtue’, ‘equality’, ‘utilitarian’, and many others including ‘conservatism’ itself, Haskell and Pardy could never have arrived at anything resembling agreement. This creates a deep and unnecessary divide between those fighting for ‘liberty’ and those fighting for ‘conservatism’ in their mutual war against ‘Wokeism.’

Until more people who regard themselves as ‘conservatives’ begin to use definitions that are Just Right, their proposed solutions for defeating the WOKE ideology, let alone for achieving freedom, will always be just wrong and ineffective.

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Jun 012023

Putin’s recent warning against the destructive path taken by the Western nations was not the kind one would expect from an enemy, but rather, from a friend.

Citing his country’s experience with its own WOKE ideology in 1917 – then called Marxism – Putin cautioned the Western nations not to repeat a similar history of crimes against humanity.

“We look in amazement…” he began, as he recited a litany of dangerous cultural trends emerging in the Western nations. Quoting the words of Martin Luther King, and lamenting the West’s abandonment of its great literature like Shakespeare to its adoption of racism and “cancel culture” in popular movies, Putin painted a picture of the West that reflected a truth that Western leaders dare not acknowledge.

It was a remarkable speech, given that it was presented in the middle of an all-out American proxy war being fought against Russia in Ukraine. Unlike America and NATO, who continually advocate the destruction of Russia and the overthrow of Putin, Putin himself responded to America’s hatred with an expression of love and deep concern.

And this approach appears consistent with reports that Putin is looking forward to seeing Donald Trump back in power in 2024.

Whatever the future, when it came to his analysis and critique of Western culture’s slide into tyranny, Putin was remarkably Just Right on every count.

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Mar 162023

When our guest Pastor Artur Pawlowski says that Canada’s police forces have been acting like the “Gestapo,” this is no overstatement or exaggeration. As he reminds us, the word “Gestapo” simply means “political police.”

That people associate this word with crimes against humanity and with totalitarianism and tyranny is reasonable and perfectly consistent with both the theory and practice behind political policing. Once a nation reaches the point where its politics requires policing, then you know without a doubt that the government in question does not have the consent of the governed. And that is the Canada of today.

Indeed, a brief description of the story behind the word “Gestapo,” as described in the Universal World Reference Encyclopedia (1955), reveals a great deal about political conditions in Canada today:

Gestapo: the Nazi secret police during the Hitler regime, 1933-1945. Gestapo is an abbreviation of “Geheime Staats-Polizei” or Secret State Police.

“Formed by Hermann Goering in 1933, it was later headed by Heinrich Himmler, who assumed control of all police organizations in 1936. Organized on military lines, the Gestapo had two military branches and one political. It was noted for its terrorism, brutality, and extra-judicial activities. Its members constituted a much-feared elite. The Allies declared it a criminal organization at the Nuremberg Trials in 1946.”

As we can see, while attributable to the Hitler regime, the word “Gestapo” has a very generic definition, aptly describing the function of its existence. It’s history also describes what Canada’s “much feared elite” did to Pastor Pawlowski. From engaging in “extra-judicial activities” to the employment of “terrorism and brutality,” Canadian politicians have turned Canada’s police forces into their own private Gestapo.

So when Artur Pawlowski uses the word “Gestapo” to describe his own personal experience and the state of tyranny in Canada today, he’s Just Right.

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801 – Conservatively speaking | Maxime Bernier

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Mar 092023

In the wake of his unconscionable and unfounded public statement alleging that European Parliamentarian Christine Anderson‘s views are racist and hateful, Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) leader Pierre Poilievre effectively demonstrated that his is a party of the Left.

The mere fact of resorting to name calling and brandishing the collectivist label of “racist” against a principled politician visiting Canada from abroad – without having a shred of evidence or grounds to make such a statement – is a hallmark tactic of the Left.
As was the public rebuke of his three CPC members of parliament who dared to associate with Anderson.

In stark contrast to the actions of Poilievre, our guest Maxime Bernier has openly welcomed hearing what Christine Anderson has to say. As an advocate of freedom and an enemy of tyranny, Anderson’s philosophy is the opposite of the CPC’s, a sad reality openly hidden from view thanks to the word “conservative” appearing in the party’s name.

Indeed, as leader of the People’s Party of Canada (PPC) Maxime is reconsidering his past use of the term “conservative” as one of the adjectives describing the PPC. Thanks to the likes of Pierre Poilievre and his unprincipled CPC, the term “conservative” can no longer be associated with the Right nor with the freedom and individualism that the Right represents.

And thanks to the latest actions of Pierre Poilievre, yet another nail in the coffin of conservatism has been hammered into the minds of Canadians everywhere. More significantly, we now know that when Maxime Bernier first judged the CPC to be “morally and intellectually corrupt” he was Just Right from the very beginning.

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