Dec 142023

Few people have actually experienced being hospitalized or the pain and discomfort that most often accompanies the need for hospitalization. That unfortunate opportunity presented itself to Just Right’s host Robert Metz who in today’s broadcast reports on that experience along with some broader observations about Canada’s socialized health care system.

London Ontario’s Victoria Hospital is a city within a city. Helicopters fly in regularly bringing patients from various parts of the province and arriving ambulances can be heard on a regular basis. But given many of the news items and stories about Canada’s health care crisis, all of this activity seems incongruous with the reports.

Beyond such considerations, the one thing most of the patients in the trauma unit share in common is the “pain factor.” How each individual reacts to pain – whether their own pain or the pain of others – can be as different as night and day. Beyond the physical trauma and challenge of being in the trauma unit of the hospital, there is also psychological stress that can lead to unexpected consequences.

Our brief investigation into one such consequence has led to a philosophical principle that strikes at the heart of human behavior.

Perhaps the greatest irony about pain is that it so often is the motivation required to push people in a direction that is Just Right.

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  One Response to “838 – INHOSPITABLE-a painful look at the nature of pain”

  1. Yes. Being crippled up and in perpetual pain does change one’s outlook on life.

    Paul B.

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