Nov 072022

Given the events in the healthcare industry over the past three years one might think that people would be ready to abandon that one characteristic Canadians have come to define themselves—socialized medicine. Instead, we find, regardless of the injuries and deaths directly attributable to it, Canadians cling to this immoral system.

At the top of this failed and disastrous Soviet-era style healthcare system stands the Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons—crown agencies created by governments and led by political appointees, some of whom may be doctors, most of whom are not—your usual group of sycophantic Party supporters in it for the prestige and perks.

As our guest, pathologist Dr. Roger Hodkinson puts it, “Since COVID, because they’re manned by woke cubed individuals they have toed the government line meticulously. And so I take the position now that instead of protecting which was their traditional role which they did reasonably well they are now actually killing people. They are co-conspirators with government in state-sanctioned murder—period. Exactly the opposite of what their function used to be.”

Dr. Hodkinson, was a Fellow of the College of the American Pathologists until recently when they decided to “get rid” of him for ostensibly spreading “misinformation,” the usual Orwellian term used to label anyone with an opinion differing from that of the state.

Dr. Hodkinson continues to fight against the system and is now warning us of the tsunami of deaths to come from compromised immune systems resulting from the disastrous decisions of healthcare bureaucrats.

Completely disillusioned with federal politics he has turned his attention to his own province and is actively promoting the Alberta Prosperity Project—a society that promises to send a message to Ottawa that unless it allows that province to deal in its own way with Constitutionally-granted areas of provincial concern, including healthcare, outright separation from Confederation may result.

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782 – Unconscionable—the death of medical ethics

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Oct 272022

“Unconscionable” is the most succinct way to describe the past and current actions of Canada’s health care monopolists. From restricting cancer treatments to forcing deadly Covid protocols and vaccine mandates, their every decision has been destructive to the broader health of Canadians, while explicitly serving political interests.

The unconscionable and willful blindness of the medical and political establishment expressed towards the injured and dead victims of their Covid agenda merely adds insult to injury. Among the dead are an astonishing number of young doctors who have passed away not long after having received a mandated “vaccine.”

As if that wasn’t bad enough, evidence has surfaced that health officials have been intentionally deleting the public records of the doctor deaths. And even more astonishingly, it appears that this practice of deleting any evidence of “vaccine” harm is now being applied to members of the general public as well.

From the beginning of the “vaccine” rollout to this day, the health care establishment abandoned the principle of providing “informed consent” as a fundamental medical ethic with regard to adults. Then unconscionably it instituted an unprecedented policy of allowing minors to “consent” to an injection without the knowledge of the parent or guardian. Given that minors lack the legal capacity to consent, this is akin to statutory rape and should be treated in the same light.

But when it comes to ever setting things Just Right again, the unconscionable and unethical medical practices so readily adopted today suggest that we’ve got a long wait ahead of us.

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Oct 142021

On February 2, 2013, Australian politician Ann Bressington delivered a haunting speech at the Adelaide Convention Centre as part of the Lord Monckton Launch. She warned that Agenda 21 is “about controlling every aspect of our lives,” and that “fear of an environmental crisis will be used to create a world government.”

Alarmingly, in citing Agenda 21’s depopulation agenda, she warned: “Another goal of the depopulation process is that the upcoming generation will submit to sterilization to save mother earth.” And with that sentence Bressington connected the dots between ‘fighting climate change’ and ‘mandated vaccinations,’ both Agenda 21 strategies to depopulate the planet and establish a single world government.

It is now 2021, the targeted year of Agenda 21, and the depopulation agenda is well under way. It’s surprising how many people still believe that Agenda 21 is only a ‘conspiracy’ theory. Talk about not seeing the forest for the trees! Continue reading »

725 – Health care fascism—a prescription for hate

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Sep 232021

Against an avalanche of evidence and personal testimonies demonstrating the harm and destruction wrought by the ‘Covid vaccines’ themselves, our state officials and government bureaucrats insist on inflicting the horror on as many as possible in as short a time as possible.

The continuing insistence on the part of government that every individual be ‘vaccinated’ is a moral obscenity and a crime against humanity. “A scale of madness that is utterly unprecedented in the history of the world,” says Canada’s Dr Roger Hodkinson.

Even worse, governments are implementing fascist measures designed to separate the ‘vaccinated’ from the ‘unvaccinated,’ including the stirring up of hatred among the former against the latter.

All of this is consistent with the long-announced and publicized plans behind the fascist Agenda-21 and the ‘Great Re-set,’ names invented to describe the global effort to destroy freedom, capitalism, and humanity itself. What are being called ‘vaccine passports’ are no such thing; they are a weapon of the broader globalist agenda against individual personal freedom.

The great continuing danger is that too many people still cannot see the forest for the trees. Many literally believe that there is a viral pandemic (there isn’t), that the ‘vaccines’ work’ (they don’t), and that the politics is incidental (it isn’t). It’s the other way round. The ‘viral pandemic’ is a tactical narrative used as a key weapon in a war to implement the globalist political agenda.

Against the mindless global drone of “Build back better,” we must come to the realization that our challenge now is to ‘build back’ in a way that is Just Right, one that will protect, not destroy, individual freedom of choice.

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Sep 142021

Marc Emery has been an advocate for personal freedom for almost 40 years. He is the People’s Party of Canada candidate in the riding of London North Centre.

At a PPC rally in London, Ontario he spoke about the inefficacy of the Covid-19 “vaccinations,” Justin Trudeau’s response to the burning of Canadian churches, and the decline of Canadian freedom.

Kristen Nagle – Silencing dissent—Why more doctors and nurses are not speaking out

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Sep 132021

Kristen Nagle a Canadian neonatal intensive care nurse who was fired by the London Health Science Centre for speaking at an anti-lockdown rally in Washington, D.C. on January 6th, 2021 has joined the ranks of the Peoples Party of Canada.

In this Just Right Media exclusive, she speaks to a PPC election rally in London, Ontario about her fight against the draconian measures governments have inflicted on the public and the fact that more doctors and nurses are prevented from speaking out under threats from their respective colleges.

704 – The Ford Reich—Ontario’s fascist variant

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Apr 292021

When University of Western Ontario professor Donald Welsh compared Ontario’s COVID strategies to the Holocaust, he was roundly condemned by the Ford government’s spokesperson Ivana Yelich: “These inflammatory comments are totally unacceptable. Nothing should ever be compared to the Holocaust.”

And with that, she proved the professor’s case. Indeed, it is a failure to compare today’s events in Ontario with those of the Holocaust (and other similar historical parallels) that should be considered both an intellectual and moral crime. To suggest that ‘nothing’ should ever be compared to the Holocaust is a call to ignore the lessons of history – and to promote totalitarianism and tyranny – two singular realities that have emerged from Doug Ford’s Progressive Conservative Party in Ontario.

Yelich’s statement is also an extraordinary insult to those who suffered under the evil fascist philosophies of the Holocaust – historical versions of the very philosophy and policy of today’s Ford’s government. But most importantly, it was a veiled attempt to prevent looking in the mirror, and to prevent the public from seeing the Ford government in its true philosophical light – fascist.

“For 14 months, we have all been part of a highly dangerous experiment. It was foisted upon us, without consent, by a radical group of public health fundamentalists. These extremists have terrorized civil society and attempted to shut down and destroy free thought,” tweeted Professor Welsh in a perfect and accurate description of a fascist state.

Bravo Professor Welsh! Those who have accused you of expressing ‘offensive’ statements are themselves the ones who are offensive.

We encourage everyone to follow the example of Professor Welsh because he got it Just Right and had the courage to say so.

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