686 – Agenda 21 and the Great Reset

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Dec 242020

It is still beyond the average person’s ability to come to terms with what is truly happening in the world today. Even as they fall victim to them, mention the terms ‘Agenda 21’ or the ‘Great Reset,’ and most people still think that you’re talking about some kind of crazy conspiracy theory.

Ironically, they are correct, but not in the way they would like to believe. Agenda 21 is indeed based on a crazy ‘theory’ – of global fascism – and Agenda 21 is indeed a conspiracy.

Adding to the confusion is the fact that, though globalist, Agenda 21 is being implemented at the local levels of government where the various components of the ‘agenda’ are unveiled and carried out under a host of differing initiatives and programs. Continue reading »

Dec 032020

The irrational fear that has gripped so many over the possibility of catching a relatively harmless virus defies the official evidence. In Canada, as of November 15, a total of 10,947 deaths were officially attributed to COVID-19 since the beginning of the ‘pandemic.’ Of that number, 10,781 occurred in long-term homes. That means, that from coast-to-coast, only 166 deaths attributed to COVID-19 occurred outside of long-term care homes.

More alarmingly 9,886 of those deaths occurred in Ontario (3,329) and Quebec (6,557). That means that only 895 COVID-related deaths across Canada occurred outside of those two provinces. (And this assumes the validity of statistics already tainted by previous government admissions that COVID-19 ‘deaths’ include deaths caused by other health conditions.)

On November 15, these statistics were openly displayed on the mainstream CTV News, which shortly thereafter removed them from their archived copy of the original broadcast. It is clear that the mainstream media does not want to accept the narrative that these statistics demand.

The statistics made it clear that were it not for the day-in day-out steady drone of mainstream media propaganda about COVID-19, the average person would never know that there was any unusual health problem at all. And ironically, 2020 has thus far demonstrated that “deaths from all causes” are among the lowest in Canada for many years. Continue reading »

676 – Socialist distancing and the loneliness of the collective

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Oct 152020

It should come as no surprise that a system called ‘socialism’ would ultimately prove to be anti-social. In Canada just before the Oct 12 Thanksgiving holiday, bureaucrats and officials at every level of government issued advisories that families avoid indoor gatherings in their own homes, going so far as to claim that “Saying ‘no’ to friends and close ones is an act of love.”

The advisories were accompanied by additional targeted lockdowns, which not coincidentally is precisely what simultaneously happened in England, Ireland, Australia, and other European nations.

Far from being an “act of love,” these continually changing advisories, lockdowns, and perpetual propaganda campaigns (all citing meaningless increases in COVID ‘cases’ while hospitalizations and deaths have flat-lined) are in fact acts of terrorism. The continually changing and highly irrational regulations are clear evidence that fascism has taken deep root.

Rules and regulations can change within hours of a previous edict. Citizens have been denied all due process. Police are confronting citizens for freely associating or for not wearing masks, armed with an unjustifiable authority to issue outrageous and immoral fines and penalties, along with arrests and jailing. Continue reading »

673 – COVID-19 and Conservatism’s fascist agenda

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Sep 242020

Recent COVID-19 restrictions imposed by Ontario Premier Doug Ford (Progressive Conservative) are alarmingly fascist, a collectivist ideology of the Left. This is no aberration that one can blame on the nature of the proclaimed crisis. Like wolves in sheep’s clothing, Conservative political parties have been dragging their ‘right-wing’ supporters ever leftward for the better part of a century.

In practice, what this means is that the destructive COVID lockdowns and the unhealthy forced wearing of masks will continue to be with us as long as any party of the Left is in power. Since that includes all of the parties sitting in parliament or the provincial legislatures, that means this fascism is our ‘new normal’ for the foreseeable future.

To help prevent any viable electoral representation from rising on the Right, the Left has been popularizing the false association of fascism with the Right, thus positioning fascism as the political alternative to communism/socialism which are already accepted as being on the Left. With fascism falsely occupying the Right (where freedom belongs), that leaves freedom without any polarity, and hence, no position on the political map.

Like all forms of collectivism, fascism is diametrically opposed to individualism, freedom, and capitalism. Conservatives who truly share these values must break their habit of voting for Leftist or ‘progressive’ political parties solely on the grounds that the word ‘conservative’ appears in the name of a party. After all, the word ‘conservative’ itself lacks any consistent definition, and many calling themselves conservative do not see freedom as the standard or ideal of government. Like Ontario’s Doug Ford.

Were any Canadian ‘conservative’ party to ever represent the values of freedom, it would have to do a complete about-face and perhaps for the first time ever take a single step in the direction that is Just Right.

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Sep 172020

In the absence of any rational justification for them, what the continual lockdown threats and irrational rules surrounding COVID-19 clearly demonstrate is that we currently live under fascist rule. It’s no “creeping” fascism. It’s here. Now.

Like all forms of collectivism, fascism is an ideology of the Left. Generally, those on the Left support continuing the lockdowns and COVID rules while those on the Right favor freedom and individual choice. These Left versus Right competing narratives are clearly distinguishable on the basis of philosophy and ideology.

Labels continually prove to be unavoidable in political discourse because they are both a necessity and a weapon.

When correctly defined instead of being avoided, political labels can become a powerful weapon for the Right and against fascism given fascism’s exclusive association with the Left. Continue reading »

666 – COVID-19’s ethical cancer – the morality of altruism

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Aug 062020

An end to the COVID-19 pandemic will never be found through some future means of defeating the SARS CoV-2 virus. That’s because the COVID-19 pandemic is a politically orchestrated moral pandemic, not a viral one.

Thanks to continued unnecessary lockdowns, the forced wearing of masks and social distancing rules, we now know that our politicians can force arbitrary and irrational restrictions on us without being held accountable for their actions. But worse, we also now know that there are a great many people not only willing to follow their orders without question, but who are eager to help enforce those orders against their fellow citizens.

This is beyond tragedy. At the root of this acceptance of evil lies a widely accepted belief that these actions can all be justified by altruism. “If it only saves one life, it’s all worth it.”

This is a demonstrably immoral argument. For any society this represents an ethical cancer, which just like any cancer if left unchecked eventually destroys the host body. No society can possibly survive on the irrational principle of self-sacrifice.

Nor can any number of COVID-19 ‘model projections,’ or slogans insisting that “we’re all in this together,” possibly justify the suicidal path taken by our politicians and health care officials.

Their prescriptions, all based on unethical manifestations of the Left, have been designed to defeat human nature itself. What’s required is a moral prescription that’s Just Right – one that defends human nature instead of attempting to defeat it.

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653 – Pandemic parallels: The COVID-19 climate changer

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May 072020

According to a report by NewsWars (May 6, 2020) “U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres called for global leaders to ‘use the pandemic recovery’ to roll out their global climate change agenda, including allowing fossil fuel companies to collapse and using taxpayer stimulus money to fund green jobs.”

It was inevitable. COVID-19 meets climate change, two issues that have more in common than most expect. Right now, many ‘Green’ activists are in support of the politicians and health care officials who wish to extend the shut down indefinitely and thereafter maintain current state controls and regulations on all aspects of daily living.

With last week’s release of the environmental documentary Planet of the Humans, an interesting philosophical dilemma has surfaced. Produced by Left-wing environmentalists Michael Moore, Jeff Gibbs, and Ozzie Zehner, it should not be surprising that the movie is utterly anti-life and anti-capitalist. But shockingly to those both on the Left and the Right, the documentary presents a brutal and honest account of the environmental destruction wrought by ‘green’ alternate energy initiatives, particularly wind, solar, and biomass.

Given the abject environmental failure of the very initiatives once endorsed by the movie’s producers, they have now changed their tactics, identifying more with the destructive results of the state-imposed COVID-19 shutdown. Continue reading »