Recent COVID-19 restrictions imposed by Ontario Premier Doug Ford (Progressive Conservative) are alarmingly fascist, a collectivist ideology of the Left. This is no aberration that one can blame on the nature of the proclaimed crisis. Like wolves in sheep’s clothing, Conservative political parties have been dragging their ‘right-wing’ supporters ever leftward for the better part of a century.
In practice, what this means is that the destructive COVID lockdowns and the unhealthy forced wearing of masks will continue to be with us as long as any party of the Left is in power. Since that includes all of the parties sitting in parliament or the provincial legislatures, that means this fascism is our ‘new normal’ for the foreseeable future.
To help prevent any viable electoral representation from rising on the Right, the Left has been popularizing the false association of fascism with the Right, thus positioning fascism as the political alternative to communism/socialism which are already accepted as being on the Left. With fascism falsely occupying the Right (where freedom belongs), that leaves freedom without any polarity, and hence, no position on the political map.
Like all forms of collectivism, fascism is diametrically opposed to individualism, freedom, and capitalism. Conservatives who truly share these values must break their habit of voting for Leftist or ‘progressive’ political parties solely on the grounds that the word ‘conservative’ appears in the name of a party. After all, the word ‘conservative’ itself lacks any consistent definition, and many calling themselves conservative do not see freedom as the standard or ideal of government. Like Ontario’s Doug Ford.
Were any Canadian ‘conservative’ party to ever represent the values of freedom, it would have to do a complete about-face and perhaps for the first time ever take a single step in the direction that is Just Right.
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