612 – Topics


00:03 The Laurentian Elite: Trudeau’s anti-Canadian ideology, Liberal plan to update Canadian oath to include aboriginal rights, fragmentation of Canadian society, a silo empire, Canada no longer a nation state, multiplicity of tribes ruled by central elite, the Laurentian Elite – Montreal-Ottawa-Toronto, ending the concept of a democratic nation state, using aboriginal community to divide country, word ‘assimilate’ considered racist by Left, Canada-First Nations relationship regressing not progressing, early hope of assimilation for Canadian aboriginals, Canadian failure to encourage voluntary assimilation for aboriginals, immigrant vs aboriginal, history of integration and assimilation into the melting pot, Dick Field on the Laurentian Elite’s plan for a fractured mosaic

18:35 Cultural contrasts: immigrant advantages over aboriginal groups, collectivist nature of aboriginal reserves, aboriginal dependence upon a culture outside their own, no deliberate exclusion policy for aboriginals in US or Canada, contrast in cultures, refusal to assimilate is a choice, paternalistic Crown, corruption within aboriginal communities, open border policies, less civilized cultures, contrast in cultural values, immigrants choosing silos, moving from pre-modern to modern culture, incompatibilities between cultures, natural movement from pre-modern to modern cultures, Trudeau’s moral ISIS crisis

34:30 The higher culture: cultural relativism and moral judgement, preferred cultures, uncivilized cultural practices, Salim at McGill University on freedom, incompatibility of sharia culture with modern liberal democracy, importing illiberal cultures will cause loss in liberal values, Isabel Paterson on high and low energy societies, energy is freedom, higher culture based on individual rights, abridging freedom and restrict energy, imposition of censorship, political correctness, new role of social media, international common cultures evolving on line, new lines of assimilation, politics about controlling people, political system geared to free or control energy and communication, freedom in a cage

47:00 Modern civilization: cultural relativism, freedom better than tyranny communism or collectivism, Japanese cultural example, a modern culture is a free culture, Canada’s turn to multiculturalism in 1967, current generation has lost faith in a free culture, defending the culture of freedom, concepts of modernity, Hong Kong highly organized, cultural modernity is freedom, gradients of civilization, passing moral judgements on pre-modern civilizations, Roman empire’s importation of the zero concept in math, Rome as a civilization, the making of the modern world from previous civilizations, danger of the loss of freedom, from a free democracy to a post democracy, turning the state into a secular theocracy, post modern culture is a pre-modern culture, future directions

59:42 END