781 – Topics
00:03 Conspiracy: fictional parallels with reality, disbelief and conspiracy hesitancy, conspiracy theorist, George Carlin’s informal conspiracy theory, conspiracy deniers, philosophical conspiracy, independent versus dependent doctors, state misinformation campaigns
21:05 High tech totalitarianism: Hydroxychloroquine and the smoking gun, conspiracy of mass murder, synthetic parasites, humans as the host of an experiment, self-assembling nano technologies
30:00 Self destructive: Isobel Paterson on why real money is indispensable, victims participate in their own destruction, mass formation parallel, requirements of a sound currency, unreal and artificial money, tangible property and precious metals, announced in advance
49:30 Not normal: hatred of capitalism, Martin Armstrong, thinking is an individual attribute, no new normal please, no old normal please, capitalism is a moral system, collectivism is an immoral system, the adjective problem
59:42 END