859 – Clips & Credits


(A) Monty Python and the Holy Grail (Lady of the lake)
(B) TRIGGERNOMETRY, Konstantin Kisin, March 19 2024 (Why the West is best)
(C) TRIGGERNOMETRY, Konstantin Kisin, March 19 2024 (Cargo cult)
(D) Heretics, March 25 2024, Andrew Gold, Carl Benjamin (Far right as it gets)
(E) Joe Rogan Experience, April 24 2024, Francis Foster, Konstantin Kisin (Left and Right are stupid)
(F) Jay Dyer, May 3 2024, JIMBOB (Far Right truth) / Count Dankula, May 2 2024, (Far Right babies) / X22 Report, May 2 2024 (Left to Right)
(G) Alex Jones, May 2 2024, Dr Robert Malone (Globalism is central planning)
(H) Don’t Tell Comedy, March 6 2023(English is a difficult language)

(-insert A) Bill Whittle, September 2022 (Invisible man)

Hosted By: Bob Metz