890 – Topics
00:03 Ass backwards: defining what is Right, passing the reality test, reverse polarity, political compass, political spectrum, feedback on over reaching governments, who the Left calls fascist, feedback on ass backwards political polarity, can’t make up definitions, Karl Marx, just talking about people, no mention of ideas or principles
14:15 Left and Right: avoiding the polarity, thinking in terms of Left and Right, polarizing Left and Right to create powerful compass, identity and entity, male and female, trans, cognitive breakdown due to false definitions, primacy of consciousness, primacy of existence, Left and Right point by point, ludicrous interpretation of the political spectrum, the binary necessity, Bruce Pardy’s three main persuasions
38:20 Cold war: a perpetual cold war, eternal vigilance, lefties by birth, from political immaturity to political maturity, Trump as Left or Right, Ayn Rand’s collectivist team, Iran – a government versus its people
51:30 Reality test: reality of government regulations, identifying Left and Right by people, identifying Left and Right on principles, reality and the simplicity of thought, Left and Right binary
59:42 END