894 – Topics


00:03 The Noble Lie: history lesson, neoconservatism, current state of American foreign policy, Plato and Aristotle’s Big Lie, the elite vs the masses, civilizations and cultures, Marxism, ideas have consequences

19:10 A new identity: new world vs old world, German Americans, founders of nation determined to base it on principles, the fourth estate, Democrats and immigrants, democracy is just right, foisting democracy on the globe

31:35 From monarchy to republic: neocons join the Democrats, usurping ‘conservative’ term, Europe in an endless conflict, masses are ignorant, democracy a consensus of self rule, Jefferson the father of Democratic Party

43:25 All lies: dilution of a culture, the Jewish immigrants, Jews in question are the Left wing Democrats, neoconservatism a state of mind

59:42 END