Jan 162020

“I call it Climate Change BS and by BS – if I have to spell it out – I mean Bad Science!” concludes our guest Dave Plumb, whose book ‘Inconveniently Screwed’ describes and explains the ‘good’ science behind what we actually do know about climate change and its causes.

In the face of continuing outrageous claims about a pending ‘climate crisis,’ the real science of climate has been replaced by the fake ‘political science’ of Leftist politicians.

Since ‘facts don’t matter’ to those on the Left, the whole climate change debate can become quite frustrating for those who think that facts do matter. The relentless efforts of the Left to continue promoting their climate fiction can only be resisted and defeated by a similar relentless effort on the part of those who have the Right ideas about climate and climate change.

As always, the real climate the Left is talking about – and wants to change – is our political climate. The only consistency to be found in their arguments about climate change is a hatred of individual freedom, capitalism, and of humanity itself. Forced discussions about carbon dioxide and weather concerns are mere distractions from their evil intentions.

With one form of BS (Bad Science) being promoted via another form of BS (Bad Schools), facts are the last thing the Left wants to hear about.

Given the Bad Science being taught in Bad Schools, it would be Just Right to conclude that the politics being used to support and promote those two forms of BS is the BS of the traditional type.

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  One Response to “637 – Climate Change BS — Weathering the political climate crisis”

  1. Another great show Bob

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