Take ten freedom-loving people, put them in a room in front of some microphones, and what do you get? Our first ever ‘Freedom Panel,’ sharing views on Brexit, climate change, and a mutual frustration with the lack of rational philosophies in politics.
At long last, Brexit has become a reality. But that development reflects a long-established British history and philosophy that has always been incompatible with that of the European nations. For that reason, many have regarded Brexit as inevitable. Founded on individualism rather than on the European collectivism that has brought the continent to disaster on repeated occasions, Britain can now once again forge its own political destiny, freed from the control of Brussels.
With the good news on the Brexit front, it’s too bad that politicians continue to ring the bells of climate alarmism, pretending to talk about the weather when what they’re trying to prevent changing is the climate of collectivism.
Ironically, it is the growing politics of populism that is beginning to demonstrate an effective defense against collectivism’s ills. Even so, many individualists and supporters of political freedom remain opposed to a populism that they see as being unprincipled. But is populism really an obstacle to freedom, or is it an opportunity for rational principles to once again become part of the political playing field?
Though our panelists have many differing perspectives on this question and other issues, one thing you can always count on is a discussion that will be Just Right.
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