Black Lives Matter (BLM) is an avowedly racist, fascist, nihilistic, violent and terrorist movement, yet most of its followers claim to be against these things. This should not be surprising since the mainstream media keeps repeating that BLM is opposed to racism. But ‘fighting racism’ is not BLM’s objective; in fact, fueling the fires of racism is the very tactic that allows BLM to advocate anarchy and violence with minimal resistance.
Destroying the capitalist system and instituting a Marxist form of state control is the openly declared goal of BLM’s leaders. “I’m not here to peacefully protest. I’m here to disrupt until my demands are met. You cannot rebuild until we break it all down – by any means necessary! A response to violence is not violence itself.” So proclaimed one of BLM’s leaders in defense of the violent protests and riots.
What makes the whole spectacle so disturbing is that these open threats of violence and the inherent racism fueling the protests themselves are not being adequately identified and condemned.
Perhaps that’s because too many good people have become paralyzed by the evil ideology that drives groups like BLM: we call it ‘Original Skin’, a racist version of ‘Original Sin.’ This doctrine holds that one can be proclaimed guilty of actions and events that occurred before one’s birth – based on the color of his/her skin! How much more racist can you get? Yet this is what BLM’s leaders keep demanding.
Particularly for white people who must bear the ‘white guilt’ demanded by BLM, the fear of not only being labeled racist, but of losing one’s job for the expression of any opinion opposing BLM creates the psychological terror that protects BLM from criticism and moral condemnation. But as commentator Glenn Beck recently lamented regarding the lack of voices speaking out against the chaos, “silence is consent.”
In that light, let us be reminded of the principle that “to those who consent, no injustice is done.” Like it or not, that’s Just Right because it is true and the truth is ultimately inescapable.
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