Agenda 21. The Great Reset. Perpetual political lockdowns. Electoral fraud. A stolen U.S. election. COVID-19 scandals. Mandated masking. Social distancing. Tracing and tracking. Forced vaccinations. China’s dictatorship. Trudeau’s dictatorship. Communism. Fascism. Globalism.
Two things these issues all have in common is that they are related to Agenda 21 and they are evil, which begs an examination of the morality of the people behind them. In fact, it begs an examination of human nature itself.
About all these and more, there will commence a great reckoning in the year 2021. Any ‘great reckoning’ involves a forced ‘realignment of reality’ with one’s perception of it, and that can often be a painful experience.
For example, one experiences a great reckoning when, after having made great sacrifices to help prevent a virus from spreading, it is discovered that a declared ‘pandemic’ was in reality just a distraction created to get everyone to submit to a series of experimental and untried ‘vaccines.’ And that too, is but one element of a much greater Agenda 21.
Given the multiple forces directed against the West – and in particular against Donald Trump and the United States – we are living in dangerous revolutionary times. 2021 appears that it will be far worse than 2020 in terms of any expectations of normalcy or individual freedom. This may sadly force a great reckoning upon many requiring the acceptance of tyranny and state control over every aspect of personal life.
However, a truly ‘great’ reckoning can only occur by acknowledging that when it comes to Agenda 21 and the Great Reset, nothing is Just Right, and it’s up to us to do something about it.
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