The inexplicable frenzy with which the Democrats continue to fear and harass Donald Trump belies their claim to any legitimate electoral victory. Whether one believes that Donald Trump has conceded the presidency or whether he can still take action to retain office, America’s political danger moving forward concerns an issue that transcends the presidency itself.
America’s democracy is in crisis due to electoral fraud that – in effect – uses bullets to invalidate ballots. Beyond the electoral fraud itself, another one of those ‘bullets’ is the mainstream media that to this day continues to manufacture a false narrative about events at the Capitol on January 6. Added to a daily barrage of fake news constituting the core of a massive fraud, many have been led into supporting anti-Trump narratives that are completely false, something they may not have done in light of the truth.
Because force and fraud are two means by which to obviate consent, such actions are normally considered criminal – but apparently not in politics. Thus a key electoral question needs to be resolved: shall we resort to ballots or bullets?
In a sense, it can be argued that every ballot is ‘backed by a bullet’. Because when votes are cast for government representatives, it must never be forgotten that force is what they are governing.
The ultimate moral and electoral choice facing us is, as always, a binary one. We must choose between voting to use the ‘bullet’ of government as a tool to violate the rights to life liberty and property, or voting to use it as a means to defend those principles in a manner that is Just Right.
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One Response to “689 – Ballots or bullets?—America’s democracy crisis”
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Tough call about a private broadcast being stopped. I think Facebook should be stopped, actionable by Trump’s government physically just as a treasonous individual needs to be stopped physically.
The situation America is in is critical and perilous, specifically because of a massive socialist on-slaught by Facebook and other media. These media need to be over-ridden physically. Military media broadcast that over-rides all these socialist media would be proper. The point of these socialist media has gone past all reason, physically undermining and destroying America.