Nov 242022

The Donald Trump who announced his 2024 bid for the American presidency on November 15 was not the same Donald Trump running for office in 2016 or 2020. Far more critically aware of his hostile political environment and of the great dangers ahead, Trump’s Mar-a-Lago speech included some very cryptic and disturbing remarks that seemed to escape the notice of most observers.

Citing “the most corrupt forces and entrenched interests imaginable,” Trump warned “this is not a task for a politician or a conventional candidate,” calling upon the American people themselves to do the job. “I am your voice,” Trump vowed.

With the issue of the previous stolen election central to the litany of politically manufactured crises’ from Covid to climate change, Trump’s platform was loudly cheered as it struck at the heart of electoral integrity. Among measures called for were voter ID, same day voting, paper ballots only, and ensuring all votes are counted by election night.

But all electoral fanfare was overshadowed by a great sense of urgency and foreboding that transcended mere electoral considerations. “You can’t stay quiet any longer” pleaded Trump. “The only force strong enough to defeat the corruption is you the American people.”

Even as he vowed to “unleash liberty for generations yet to come,” Trump’s vision of a brighter future was attached to a dire warning of a darker present. “The citizens of our country have not yet realized the full extent and gravity of the pain our nation is going through, and the total effect of the suffering is just starting to take hold. By 2024 it will sadly be much worse.”

And then, in as cryptic and haunting a message as anyone would ever expect to hear from the president of the United States, Trump announced that by 2024 he would be relying on a nation awakened by its deep suffering. By then, he explained, “everyone will agree with us,” making it “much easier for us to do what has to be done.”

One thing is certain. Trump’s warning deeply suggests that it will no longer be “politics as usual.” The only question now remaining is whether or not doing “what has to be done” will turn out to be Just Right.

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  One Response to “786 – The people’s voice—Donald Trump”

  1. While these comments from Donald Trump seem Admirable, in my opinion they should have been implemented Before this latest American “Voting” fiasco, surely?

    Sorry for sounding pessimistic . but in 2022 I Believe Nothing unless I see it with my own eyes and I even question that.

    This attitude is a result of reading Thousands of “reports” on this internet from numerous websites over the past 20 years, yet nothing being Resolved about any of them As far as I know.

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