In the nebulous subjective fog of the floating abstraction referred to as “Woke culture,” arriving at anything close to an objective definition of “Woke” is an impossible task.
Some argue that the madness of “Woke” is a form of mental illness, or evil, or both. Given the movement’s utter disconnect from reality and reason, these perspectives are understandable.
After all, the “Woke” agenda encompasses the transgender ideology, the climate change ideology, the Covid ideology, the racist ideology of Black Lives Matter, the “words-are-violence” ideology of censorship, violent protest and threats against peaceful people, war mongering and hatred, and all things considered “democratic.”
The visible and outrageous denials of evidence and facts that can be witnessed by anyone may appear to be a form of mental illness, but it is much more; it is evidence of an evil movement dedicated to nihilism and the destruction of Western culture.
In 1947, Ludwig Von Mises warned: “It may happen that Fascism will be resurrected very soon under a new label and with new slogans and symbols. But if this happens, the consequences will be detrimental. For Fascism is not, as the Fascists trumped, a “new way to life,” it is a rather old way toward destruction and death.”
Today’s temporary label for Fascism is “Woke.” Its slogans include “Own nothing and be happy,” “Black lives matter,” “Build back better,” and a whole host of evil notions that its victims must not criticize.
One sure sign of an evil ideology is the demand that some kind of “sacrifice” be made for the “good of society.” Throughout history, every evil ideology from communism to fascism has called upon making “sacrifices” to correct some perceived social inequity.
In the end, these sacrifices never served the “good of society,” but turned out to be sacrifices for the “good of evil” – for the good of those calling for sacrifice in the first place.
The best way to understand “W.O.K.E.” in a way that is Just Right, is to treat it as an acronym for Worldwide Organized Killing Effort.
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