May 182023

Donald Trump’s dynamic performance on CNN’s May 10 town hall event occurred in the shadow of a court jury’s finding of liability against him, relating to E Jean Carroll‘s claim that he “raped” her some decades ago. “I was not thrown on the ground and ravaged. This was not sexual,” she explained.

What makes Carroll’s delusional narrative significant is that any court of law would ever entertain such an obvious fabrication in the first place. Clearly a political tactic, it must not be forgotten that Trump is far from being the only high-profile personality subject to this kind of criminal use of the courts.

Perhaps the greater story confronting us is how the courts have become a weapon in the war of sexual politics. Tragically, the most egregious example of this was the recent experience of Bill Cosby which mirrored that of Trump’s. In both cases, the proceedings were corrupt to the core.

As with E Jean Carroll’s story about Trump, the dozens of complainants against Bill Cosby (most recruited by political activists) based their narratives on alleged incidents that occurred decades ago. None were ever substantiated, yet Cosby ended up unjustly jailed – as a political prisoner sacrificed to the new rape culture of the Left.

The politicization of rape is nothing new. False rape accusations are a powerful weapon in the court of public opinion, even when proven false in a court of law.

The parallel political motives behind the rape charges levied against Donald Trump and Bill Cosby have escaped the notice of most observers. This is unfortunate, particularly in light of the fact that the similarities between Trump and Cosby extend far beyond their experiences before the courts. Like Trump, Cosby had become an outspoken conservative, which made him a political target of the Left, and therein lies the real story that needs to be told.

It must therefore be understood that the “legal” tactics being used against Trump for political purposes have become an accepted means of attacking those who oppose the deep state and the political Left. Not surprisingly, those most likely to be targeted are those who happen to be Just Right.

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  One Response to “811 – State rape—the rape culture of the Left”

  1. Kavanaugh a high powered federal judge advanced the rape culture agenda by entertaining false charges of rape against him instead of prosecuting the innocent from those propagating false charges of rape against them. And yes the masses are brain dead about the impact on civiln society of these precedents being normalized then now no surprise established legal consensus

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