Jan 042024

Sometimes our philosophical assumptions and beliefs can be challenged by the most unexpected and seemingly trivial events. To illustrate this, we offer a remarkable true story about a lowly housefly named ‘Myfly’ and what it tells us about human nature.

The story has encouraged us to re-examine some long accepted philosophical principles, like the one that postulates that truth is that which reflects and corresponds to reality. But is that really ‘true’? Might it be possible for something to be true, but not necessarily real? Is there a distinction between the ‘real’ and ‘reality’? These are but a few of the questions considered in our first presentation of 2024,and we hope and trust that everyone had a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Given all of the dire predictions and expectations for this new year, being able to distinguish between narratives that are true or false becomes all the more urgent and necessary. The science devoted to the discovery of the proper methods of acquiring and validating knowledge is known as epistemology.

In both politics and war the first rule is to define or be defined and in so doing, control the narrative. Through the application of valid epistemological principles. false narratives can easily be identified and discredited without having to resort to censorship and other means of speech restrictions.

If it is true that the narrative is all, then clearly those on the Right must endeavour to spread those narratives known to be Just Right.

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  2 Responses to “841 – Is Myfly open—for discussion?”

  1. Come into the parlor, said MySpider to TheirFly

  2. Come into the parlor said TheirSpider to MyFly.

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