Politics has earned a negative reputation among the populace, owing not to the nature of politics per se, but to the nature of the majority who are drawn to politics and political office. Regrettably, when it comes to most politicians, they have often been described as being lazy, envious, entitled, and/or incompetent. Most significantly, they oppose capitalism and all that it represents.
That’s because capitalism is an economic condition that naturally arises within a free society. By definition, capitalism is an economic condition under which force, coercion, fraud and theft are prohibited by law, and under which all economic transactions are voluntary. Under capitalism, the government is a referee, not a player on the economic board within its jurisdiction.
The anti-capitalist mentality expresses itself in a number of ways.
“It’s sick and twisted that I have to work, just to live my life,” complained one young poster on Tic Tok. To him, this was an injustice, to be corrected by others freely providing him with the basic necessities of life while not having to offer anything in return. It is to this envy, laziness, incompetence, and sense of entitlement that so many politicians and their policies cater.
Philosophically, this describes the polarity of the Left. The Left dominates in politics, which is the major reason that politics has such a negative reputation.
It has long been recognized, and with good reason, that laziness is the source of all evil. Similarly, envy has long been recognized as a source of hatred. But it must be understood that this form of envy has nothing to do with aspiring to attain certain values achieved by others; it is expressed by the desire to destroy what others have and value.
Blaming capitalism for failing to cater to these personal and political vices is a dead-end argument calculated to mislead. The bottom line is this:
What we have today is not capitalism. And in its absence, economists and political activists are asserting that ‘capitalism is failing.’ This is not unlike saying that someone failed a test or exam that was never taken.
Our current dismal state of affairs has not been caused by a failure of freedom or of capitalism. It is a direct result of the success of collectivism and ideologies of the Left. In particular, the Left has been successful at keeping the majority uninformed and ignorant about what Ayn Rand correctly described as “the unknown ideal” – capitalism.
Ironically, in the end, all the complaints about our capitalist system ‘not working’ come down to admitting that we don’t have capitalism. By continuing to call the socialism that we have now ‘capitalism,’ the Left is projecting its failures on the Right, which is the polarity where capitalism and freedom are to be found.
To point society in the right direction, it is necessary that capitalism is understood in a light that is Just Right, both in terms of definition and where it exists on the political polarity.
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