While the Democratic National Convention was being hailed as an ‘electric’ event by Democrats, the real ‘elect trick’ was being pulled off by Robert F Kennedy Jr and Donald Trump. With Kennedy’s announcement that he would be endorsing Donald Trump in the November elections, whatever wind had gathered behind the Democratic sails was instantly dissipated.
“The DNC manufactured a surge of popularity for Harris based on nothing,” Kennedy announced on August 26. “Who needs a policy when you have Trump to hate?”
While Harris may not have any policies, she and the Democratic Party do nevertheless pursue an ideology based on the politics of envy.
“We fight for equality but we also need to fight for equity because not everybody starts out at the same place” proclaimed Kamala Harris. “You understand some people need more.”
What we understand is that this ideology was once expressed as some variant of “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.” Expressing this evil under the guise of fighting for equity and equality was an ‘elect trick’ calculated to prevent voters from discovering the true nature of the Democratic Party.
The glaring problem with Kamala’s declaration is that it is contradictory as it is not possible to fight for both ‘equality’ and ‘equity’ at the same time. Equity and equality are polar opposites. To pursue one is to destroy the other, and, true to Kennedy’s observation, ‘nothing’ will have been accomplished in terms of the stated objective.
Nevertheless, Kamala vowed that the Democrats would “put equity firmly at the center of our economic policy.”
However, ‘equity’ is not, and can never be, an ‘economic’ policy since it requires the initiation of force, coercion, and violence to carry it out. It is a criminal act for an immoral purpose. Simply saying that someone ‘needs more’ than someone else morally justifies nothing, especially the use of force against others.
For the Left, governing is never about a ‘moral’ principle, it’s always about a ‘more’ principle. And it always ends with everyone having less.
That’s because ‘equity’ is a collectivist concept, under which everyone in the collective becomes ‘equally poor’ and oppressed under the jackboot of fascism, socialism, communism or any combination thereof. Equity leads to tyranny, poverty, and less for everyone.
In contrast, ‘equality’ is an individualistic concept based on justice and on the principle that every individual is equal before and under the law. It is only in this context that anything called ‘equality’ is possible. When the law bears equally to all, equality leads to freedom, prosperity, and ‘more’ for everyone.
And that, in a nutshell, is why ‘equity’ is always just Left, and ‘equality’ is always Just Right.
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