Nov 202024

Whether acknowledged or not, every individual has a philosophy, leaving open only the question of how well that philosophy is understood.

At a time when so many people are unable to determine even their own identity (whether based on gender, sexual, political, racial, social, religious grounds, etc.) let alone the nature of the world around them, the dystopian consequences of popular philosophy’s shortcomings have become embarrassingly evident. However, the causes are not so evident because they relate to a failure to properly identify the very nature of things that exist – entities.

The solution to this dilemma, explains our guest Paul McKeever, is to consider the ‘identity’ of any ‘entity’ from a ‘first person’ perspective, not from a ‘third-person’ perspective based on some relationship with the entity in question. If all this seems rather abstract, it is, but the ‘first person’ perspective resolves a fundamental error made by philosophers throughout the ages.

In his monumental work, “Judge: Philosophy and Freedom in the First Person,” Paul meticulously examines thirteen classic philosophical problems, offering solutions with such lucidity that there remains no justification for their continued discussion as credible issues. Written over a period of ten years, it is the product of a philosophical examination never before undertaken.

‘Judge’ presents both a challenge and a clarity to many long-held philosophical concepts including, among others, free will, induction, causation, perspective, relation, entity, identity, change, autonomy, and freedom itself.

In the field of philosophy there are four essential categories affecting how and what choices people make. Metaphysics and epistemology describe ‘what is.’ Morality and politics describe ‘what ought’ to be. But if one’s moral and political actions are based on a false conception of ‘what is,’ then a dystopian unreality becomes a natural consequence of the error. Hence, the importance of being able to correctly identify the reality within which one acts.

In an age of ‘identity politics,’ it’s surprising how little the concept of ‘identity’ is actually understood.
For that shortcoming, we can blame the philosophers throughout the ages who never got it Just Right.

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