Apr 252013

Cause and Effect


00:07 Ends Or Means? – Islamic Terrorism: Identifying The Problem terrorists, Islamic terrorism, Muslims and terrorism, sharia law, separation of church and state, Islamic theocracy, means and ends, terrorism and elections, eliminating democracy, religion of peace, prayers in the legislature, supremacy of God, unlimited authority, not to preserve democracy but to establish democracy
19:48 Ten Commandments For The Hero – Or How To Prevent Terrorism policing is not preventative, waging an intellectual war against theocracy, the false has no value, truth has value, protecting youth from theocracy, schools as a defence front, away from fact and values and toward uncertainty, cultural Marxism, pro-democracy values, integrity, turning villains into heroes, ten commandments for the hero
30:24 There’s No Such Thing As The Universe knowledge through experience, cause and effect, perception of causality, action, motion, change, sensationalism, law of identity, abstraction, the universe, events, limits of existence
40:26 Just Be Cause – Causality And The Continuant discontinuance, cause and effect, law of nature, entities, anthropomorphic, action, knowledge, reasons, causes, agents, events, change, action, theory, natural law, continuant, act vs event, nature is the continuant, ideal vs real, time, past, present, future, determined, indeterminate, action as the point of existence 55:30 END

  One Response to “297 – Islamic terrorism / Causality and the continuant”

  1. Wonderful stuff.
    To Hell with the BBC.

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