Aug 222013

Pet Shop


00:07 How Much Was That Doggie In The Window? hating capitalism, self interest as evil, ban on the sale of dogs and cats, puppy mills, altruism as a moral code, animal welfare, Judy Foster, London Humane Society, Mark Beatty, Pets Paradise, animal sales vs adoptions 15:58: Ayn Rand Nation, Gary Weiss, Ayn Rand, truth winning, Ayn Rand as electoral candidate – not
20:12 Hatred Of The Rand For Being Ayn: Gary Weiss, Ayn Rand Nation, free tuition and chaos, government above morality, no fan of Ayn Rand, ideas, controlling capitalism, who wants to control socialism?, government as the good, kill the messenger, messenger’s dead but message lives
33:30 Enviously Not Obviously: Peter Foster on peddlers of envy, Chrystia Freeland, Linda McQuaig, emotional primitives, envy is politically useful, Communist Manifesto, Galt’s speech, the selfless zero, conspiracy against the mind, the age of envy, hatred of the good for being the good
43:04 Citizen Marc, Citizen Marked: Citizen Marc, Roger Larry, Montreal Film Festival, Marc Emery, Paul McKeever, Principle of Pot, Chris Doty, Messing Up The System, Citizen Kane, documentaries, megalomaniac narcissist, Roger Larry despises Ayn Rand, demonizing mom 57:50 END

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