Mar 132014



00:07 Black and White views on Christians and Slavery: religion’s role in slavery, the Christian context in slavery, Noah’s curse, slavery’s history in a broader context, no concept of ‘person’ in past, story of Shyima Hall
12:51 Humanity’s inhumane history: Slaves to slavery: story of Shyima Hall, the word: slavery, slavery is the ownership of human beings as chattel, a brief history of slavery, the end of slavery, slavery continues today, slavery’s brief history in the United States, freedom as a moral standard, colour-blind slavery, slavery as part of social structure, fallacies of slavery
33:04 Democratic Deficit: De-mocking democracy: voters giving up on politicians, fixing the voting process, freedom and capitalism before democracy, voting for slavery, majority rule vs governing, force is what is governed
44:39 We’re having a party! – a political party: Ombudsman complaint in London Ont, party politics at city hall, democracy with adjectives, socialism is not governance but criminality made legal 57:58 END

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