Dec 102015

playing computer games

00:03 Feedback… : feedback from our listeners, voting with a clear conscience, CHRW suspension of Just Right, UWO university environment, WBCQ, shortwave radio, cultural appropriation, Donald Trump
20:45 …and forth: freedom of speech, God, the Jewish religion, shortwave radio, the Grundig incident
31:50 Hunger for games: on-line game addiction, value of game play, time spent playing games, computer game experiences, Intellivision, Advent, interactive games, dangers and attractions of games
47:15 All women’s daze: Big Bang Theory, memorable experiences on campus radio, All Women’s Voices Day, Balkanizing Canadians through sexism and racism, too much Hitler, more feedback on: the collective evil, shortwave as the voice of freedom, QSL cards, University universality 59:42 END

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