Nov 292018

Tommy Robinson with Andrew Lawton

With a first-hand account of several arresting developments in the ‘re-trial’ of Britain’s Tommy Robinson, guest Andrew Lawton shares some of his personal observations about the real story behind the on-going trials of Tommy Robinson. As a fellow of the True North Initiative, Andrew recently found himself face-to-face with members of the British media while attending court proceedings there.

It turned out that there was less to report about Tommy, than about how the British media has (not) been reporting the arresting developments related to his ‘contempt of court’ charges. To complicate matters, discussion about the issue at the core of the entire controversy – immigration and the problems related to political Islam – is not tolerated.

Having declared the media an “enemy of the people,” Tommy Robinson does not risk alienating a media that might otherwise objectively report the facts surrounding the sheer injustice to which he has been subject. Britain’s mainstream media, like the North American mainstream media, is primarily Leftist in nature, cocooned in an environment where ‘facts-don’t-matter.’

In an age where people can see the ‘facts’ for themselves thanks to modern technology and communications, the contrast between what the mainstream reports and what people can see is difficult to avoid. Yet the Left does indeed avoid it, without apology.

Thus, it is the mainstream media itself that is the cause of its alienation from the public it was meant to serve as the ‘fourth estate.’ Today, that media can openly and explicitly be seen to be advancing its own agenda – by avoiding the truth. It should not be surprising that the public has increasingly come to see the mainstream media exactly as it was described by Robinson: an enemy.

From media bias to bias against the media, today’s conversation with Andrew Lawton provides some first hand accounts to help us understand the trial of Tommy Robinson in a way that’s Just Right.

  One Response to “584 – The trial of Tommy Robinson with guest, Andrew Lawton”

  1. […] Listen to the interview in full here. […]

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