Jul 262018

Green Hills

Despite political claims to the contrary, the ‘science’ has never been ‘settled’ on the contentious issue of ‘climate change,’ formerly known as ‘global warming.’ It never will be, as long as the climate keeps changing, which it will.

The belief that our planetary climate can be kept ‘un-changed’ by means of various carbon tax schemes is practically the definition of ‘irrational’ – and that’s why we’ve called this belief the Climate Derangement Syndrome (CDS).

Only a social affliction, like the ‘emotional plague’ described by Wilhelm Reich in his Mass Psychology of Fascism, or a completely sinister agenda masquerading behind a veil of false virtue signaling, could possibly explain such an irrational belief in objective terms.

One cannot help but notice that sufferers of CDS continually focus their attention on the political climate while pretending to be concerned with the planetary climate. Continue reading »

560 – Ontario’s majority mandate for socialism

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Jun 142018

Doug Ford

On the heels of Ontario’s newly elected Progressive Conservative majority government under Doug Ford, expectations of ‘change’ – for the better – are high. It would be difficult to imagine anything worse than what Ontarians endured under the ousted Wynne Liberal Party, which no longer holds official party ‘standing’ in the legislature.

However, it must be recognized that the conditions under which Ontario currently suffers are a consequence of the cumulative actions and directions taken by all of the parties in the legislature. Kathleen Wynne and her government merely continued in the political direction (Leftward) already established and entrenched by previous governments – including those of the Progressive Conservatives.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to predict or evaluate what the PCs may do under Ford, since the party won its majority mandate under a single objective: getting rid of Kathleen Wynne.

In the absence of any substantive or credible commitment to actually ‘change’ the Leftward direction in which Ontario is heading, Ford and his PCs have left us little to speculate about. After all, how does one reconcile a promise “to increase government spending, reduce taxes, and balance the budget?”

What we do know about the PC party is its history and tradition. Continue reading »

May 312018

Stone soup

As the last broadcast before next week’s Ontario provincial election, there is a sense of urgency in our sounding one last pre-election alarm about Ontario’s very alarming state of affairs. It is a situation not unlike that in many other jurisdictions around the globe.

What’s at stake is freedom itself, and freedom has no voice in the Ontario legislature, and a very limited voice in the current Ontario election as heard only through representatives of the Freedom Party of Ontario.

For those on the Right, Ontario’s political crisis boils down to one of IDENTITY. If ever there was a need to place ‘identity politics’ in a valid context, it is with regard to political parties. In particular, it is the failure to properly IDENTIFY Ontario’s Progressive Conservative Party as being on the Left, even as the party continues to be intentionally associated with values of the ‘Right’ by both the media and many ‘conservatives’ alike.

This is significant, because individual freedom itself IS a value of the Right, but the philosophy necessary to achieve individual freedom is not being either preached or practiced by any other party besides Freedom Party. Continue reading »

469 – Controlling political speech / Progressive consistency

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Sep 082016

Kathleen Wynne as Devil

DEVILI$H FUNDING: “I’m the detail,” said the devil, who always liked to Wynne.
That “detail” fairly sums up the real story behind all the fuss about political party financing in Ontario.

“The devil is in the details,” and Ontario’s Bill 201 (Election Finances Statute Law Amendment Act, 2016), introduced by Ontario premier Kathleen Wynne‘s Liberal government to combat “political corruption” through financial “transparency“, certainly confirms it.

Bill 201, ostensibly about “election” finance reform, is also about something else entirely. It contains a host of devilish details that no one in the mainstream media has brought to anyone’s attention.

Far from offering any meaningful transparency to combat the corruption in her own government, the Liberal bill broadens the Ontario government’s power and jurisdiction to an alarming degree.

The state will be able to control and regulate not just the electoral process and rules, but all political debate and expression – by anyone – even outside of election periods and when there are no electoral contests. Continue reading »

446 – Dead capital-ism / Obama’s working theories / Patrick Brown’s progressive con / Conservative ex-tradition

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Mar 312016

Obama and Castro

00:03 Dead capital-ism: feedback from Allan, capitalism as slavery, who are capitalists, Ayn Rand unread
07:45 Obama’s working theories: Barack Obama on capitalism and socialism, division between left and right as a debate, the Cuban ‘debate’ was a leftist revolution, dismissing the philosophical causes, selling pragmatism, dismissing intellectual arguments as grounds for action, what works as the standard of action, Cuban health care system, praising dictatorships, ends and means, moral basis of the market, market exclusions, Obama’s speech symbolizes the end of the American Dream, no longer leader of the free world
26:35 Brown’s Progressive Con: Ontario Progressive Conservative leader Patrick Brown, a conservative approach to the environment, when a tax is not a tax, taxing clean carbon dioxide emissions, carbonated politics, ‘revenue neutral’ is a scam, carbon pricing is a tax, being political while talking economics, redistributing the wealth
41:00 Conservative ex-tradition: voters as carbon copies of their politicians, continued faith in a conservatism that no longer exists, what Brown really means when saying ‘Climate change is a fact’, having the debate conservatives won’t have, why revenue neutrality only means higher taxes 59:42 END

438 – Winning a debate by ending it / Moral relativism’s relevance / Infernal revenuers

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Feb 042016

Infernal RevenuersTopics:
00:03 Presumptuous Causes: feedback on cause and effect, ‘snapshots of the continuum’, events and causes in historical accounts, progressive thinking, Alberta’s drift to progressivism
13:15 Winning a debate by ending it: “Ecojustice” vs Friends of Science, global warming, climate change, freedom of speech, Calgary and Edmonton billboard campaign, Competition Bureau, censoring the debate, the ‘denier’ label, the nature of censorship, truth as the victim of censorship, Doomsday Clock, end-of-the-world predictions
31:30 Moral relativism’s relevancy: Roger Scruton on moral relativism, shared values, reality and God, progressive lack of external truths, comparing Objectivists and conservatives, nihilism’s imposing imperatives, nihilism’s contradiction, atheism’s variances
44:35 Proper tax: Roger Scruton’s conservative realization, common values, feedback from Liam on property taxes, preferable forms of taxation, land value tax, asset sales, selling the sales tax
59:42 END

361 – Power grab / Forget me ought / None sum / Polar expedition

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Jul 312014

seaQuest electronic commercial message


00:07 Power grab: Ontario Ombudsman, London city council, Billy Ts, open meeting laws, power grab, hydro rate increase, flat rate hydro, smart meters, supply and demand for electricity
13:40 Forget me ought: anti-spam legislation, Canadian business reacts to spam laws, CASL, crony favouritism, spam law beneficiaries, European Court of Justice, internet search providers, suppressing offending links, on line reputation, deleting the past
29:01 None sum: Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, the nones, religious demographics, religious choices, belief in God, social issues, religious and secular
40:55 Polar expedition: superstition, Pope Francis, exorcism, bible, allegory, the devil, literalism, traditional world view, modern world view, postmodern world view, polarization, reason, principle and politics 53:07 END