Aug 252022

Apparently, the Left was never adequately immunized against Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), the political virus that infected Democrats, globalists, the deep state, and the fake news media the first time Trump rose to power. Now the latest variant has emerged, a clear sign that Trump must once again be on the rise.

For example, Carleton University professor and journalist Andrew Cohen in an August 19 editorial “Right follows script after Mar-a-Lago search” wrote “The right exploded. They screamed, they seethed, they snarled. The words were not just shrill, they were terrifying. At times, they encouraged violence. These are the new Republican rules of order in public debate. Rush to judgment. Ignore facts. Enter shooting. Empty your arsenal. Deny. Attack. Restraint is no virtue. Insanity is no vice.”

And then there was American philosopher, author, and podcast host Sam Harris, whose TDS infection has exposed a moral vacuum devoid of any principle or values whatever.

While openly citing evidence demonstrating Biden’s corruption (but offering none regarding Trump), Harris argued “Whatever the scope of Joe Biden’s corruption is… it is infinitesimal compared to the corruption we know Trump is involved in.” This, after proudly proclaiming that he “would not have cared” if Hunter Biden had “the corpses of children in his basement.” Continue reading »

771 – It’s biblical—God, politics, and morality

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Aug 112022

It has long been argued that totalitarian nations and tyrannies are a consequence of the “atheistic” philosophies under which they are ruled. However, this is a serious error. It is based on the mistaken view that “atheism” is some kind of philosophy or doctrine, as is the case with theism. But this is not so.

Consider that, unlike the word “theist” which in a proper context identifies what a person is, “atheist” is a negative concept that defines a person in terms of what he is not. In no way can it be reasonably justified on these grounds to conclude that atheists have some kind of “atheist belief system” or philosophy.

In fact, in philosophical and moral terms “atheism” isn’t even a thing. However, tyranny is. That tyrannies may be “atheistic” is mere association; it is not cause and effect. Totalitarian regimes and tyrannies are caused by collectivist ideologies invariably supported by Leftist theists and atheists alike. Similarly, theists and atheists on the Right support freedom and justice.

In the moral and political gulf between freedom and tyranny, the only polarity that matters is the one that contrasts the values of the Left (collectivism) with those of the Right (individualism).

Thus it is unfortunate that some on the “religious right” have been increasingly disparaging atheists, as if atheism is somehow a causal factor behind the current tyranny. In atheism, theists perceive an absence of morality rather than recognizing the presence of alternative moralities grounded on different principles.

On the one hand are those who cannot conceive of morality without faith in a God and afterlife, while on the other there are those who cannot conceive of morality based on anything but reason exercised within a finite limited lifetime.

Fortunately, experience has demonstrated that these metaphysically opposing views do not preclude a shared morality. Whether theist or atheist, what counts in politics is which side of political polarity holds power – Left or Right. Consequently, those on the side of freedom will of necessity eventually gravitate towards those moral alliances held together in an orbit circling the political polarity that is Just Right.

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770 – Witness—to the Freedom Convoy | Andrew Lawton

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Aug 042022

As an eye-witness to Canada’s infamous Ottawa Freedom Convoy last winter, our guest Andrew Lawton can count himself among the front-line warriors in an Information War that has killed and injured as many people as any war could.

Andrew’s experience has been published in his book: The Freedom Convoy – The Inside Story Of Three Weeks That Shook The World (Sutherland House, 2022). As a first-hand account of what happened during the Freedom Convoy’s presence in Ottawa, this book stands in stark contrast to the official narrative and the still-so-called mainstream media.

Notably, the Freedom Convoy was not an organized event in the common understanding of that term. It was entirely organic, with no single leader, group, or organization having masterminded what proved to be among the most peaceful protest rallies in history.

It was perhaps this very lack of a centralized authority that has made it so difficult for Trudeau’s fascist government to create a false narrative applicable to all of the participants. After all, the single issue that united them was the very issue his government did not want to face – his government’s tyranny justified by Covid lies.

The two sides in this information war do not merely disagree. Indeed, officialdom and the mainstream mediocre insist that no debates or disagreements even be allowed, preferring outright censorship, false reports, and physically attacking the messengers rather than offer any justifications for their mandates and proclamations.

The lesson to be learned from the Freedom Convoy is universal. Tyrants fear truth above all. They know that once exposed to the truth, each individual can decide on his own which side is telling the lies, and which side has been Just Right all along.

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769 – Hardwired to reality—definitions and gender

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Jul 282022

There may be a variety of reasons why so many people are unable or unwilling to answer the question: “What is a Woman?” But after reviewing Matt Walsh’s documentary of the same name, one might be left with the impression that we are on the brink of civilization’s collapse.

The degree of confusion, fear, terror, hostility, evasion, and even indifference that was encountered at the mere asking of a simple definition tells a story far greater than any particular specific word in question. Worse, among the few who did offer their definition of “woman,” the answers were subjective and incorrect.

Of all the words in the English language, one would think that the word “woman” is about as innocuous as it gets. But not so. What by definition and by every rule of language is a binary concept distinguishing male from female has become a political and epistemological battleground on which concepts are being destroyed along with the ability to communicate.

However, reality exists, and every functioning human mind is “hardwired” to that reality, a connection that persists even in the attempt to deny or avoid it. The creation of definitions that do not correspond to reality or reason has been the primary political weapon of the so-called “trans-gender” community. Theirs is a misguided campaign against the reality that men are men and women are women and that that distinction is always a binary one. Continue reading »

763 – The fallacy of gun control

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Jun 162022

“As we see gun violence continue to rise, it is our duty to keep taking action. We decided to tackle this issue at a national level. And so today, we’re moving forward. We’re introducing legislation to implement a national freeze on handgun ownership. It will no longer be possible to buy, sell, transfer, or import handguns anywhere in Canada.”Justin Trudeau – 2022

“This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun control. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future.”
Adolf Hitler – 1935

It is often said that “we never learn from history” but this cannot be said when it comes to the issue of gun control. Perhaps it is more accurate to suggest that we do learn from history, but that our politicians simply refuse to apply its lessons in a way that is beneficial to the general welfare.

We have long known that the road to tyranny always starts with the disarming of the general population, so, clearly, that lesson has been learned: “The one thing that unites every tyrant is that they all love gun control,” observed criminal attorney and outspoken political commentator Robert Barnes. “It doesn’t matter whether they’re Hitler, Stalin, Mao, any of them – they all love gun control.”

Politicians who insist that gun control makes the public at large safer are spreading false information, because the opposite is true and history demonstrates this as well. Continue reading »

759 – It’s party time in Ontario—the freedom to party and a party to freedom | Paul McKeever | Mike McMullen

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May 192022

When it comes to Ontario’s 2022 provincial election now under way, it appears that there are more politicians wanting the freedom to party than there are who want a party to freedom.

Considering the number of political parties now registered in the province of Ontario, it’s alarming to realize that only one is a party to freedom. That party is the Freedom Party of Ontario (FPO) and its leader Paul McKeever (also FPO’s candidate in London North Centre) joins us to describe why this is so.

Along the way, Paul offers a history of Freedom Party and of the Ontario government’s persistent manipulation of the electoral system – and of political parties – since FPO’s founding in 1984.

On the federal front it’s much the same story, where the only party to freedom is the People’s Party of Canada (PPC). Past PPC candidate for London West, Mike McMullen, joins us to describe why he also feels comfortable now running as a provincial 2022 candidate for Freedom Party in his same riding.

Having participated in provincial candidate debates, both Paul and Mike have noticed how any discussion of the government’s pandemic response over the past few years is being entirely avoided by the other parties, and how they’re all desperately pretending it’s politics as usual. Most noticeable is the absence of any Progressive Conservative (PC) candidates at the debates, particularly given that the ruling PC party is the party most responsible for the government’s mishandling of the entire pandemic controversy.

Calling for the government to be held accountable for its incredible violations of individual freedom during the past few years is a key objective of Freedom Party’s 2022 election platform appropriately titled: Truth Rights Justice Freedom.

It’s also why, as the party’s own literature proclaims, Freedom Party is Ontario’s only party that’s “Just Right for Ontario.”

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758 – Man of the people | Maxime Bernier

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May 122022

“We need an ideological revolution,” recommends our guest Maxime Bernier, leader of the People’s Party of Canada (PPC).

As a former member of the Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) who narrowly (and suspiciously) lost a CPC leadership bid, Bernier served as Minister of Foreign Affairs and as chairman of the Committee on National Defense. So when he says that the CPC is “intellectually and morally bankrupt,” his observation is based on direct experience.

“It’s not our war,” says Bernier about the situation in Ukraine. Calling for diplomatic negotiation instead of military escalation, he has found that this view has become an unacceptable discussion point in Canada, where the Trudeau government is forcing Canadian taxpayers to fund the very escalation he fears.

Sadly, reaching Canadians with news about the PPC or its take on the issues has become an uphill struggle. In a country whose fourth estate has been transformed into a taxpayer-funded propaganda machine, the odds of any objective reporting about the PPC or its leader from this media are remote indeed.

Because he has wisely refused to take state-mandated injections, Bernier has been prohibited from travelling freely within his own country. Consequently, Bernier has joined with former Newfoundland premier Brian Peckford (one of the original framers of Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms) to file a lawsuit against the Trudeau government’s violation of everyone’s constitutional right to travel in Canada.

No one, let alone a leader of a national party, should ever be subject to travel restrictions or injection mandates. In the face of the Left’s contempt for individual freedom, Bernier’s style of “doing politics differently” becomes a necessity. Of course, everyone already knows that being Just Right is about as different from how politics is done today as it gets.

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