Truckers For Freedom Convoy 2022 | Salim Mansur

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Feb 042022

Canada is without a doubt a socialist country where the people have over many decades elected far-Left governments. These governments, whether labelled Liberal or Conservative, have driven the nation to the brink of full-fledged communism where individual rights have taken a back seat to the machinations of tyrannical and corrupt “leaders.”

The actions of the Canadian government during the past two years have given Canadians second thoughts about the direction their country has been headed and the freedom convoy of truckers stands as a symbol of that hesitancy.

The Freedom Convoy has shown that Canadians have a breaking point, a limit beyond which even they do not want to pass. Much like the strike in Gdansk, Poland of August 1980 with its slogan of Solidarność (Solidarity) eventually led to the collapse of the Soviet Union millions of Canadians are hopeful that the truckers’ rally in Ottawa will lead to major reforms in Canada and the ousting of their embarrassment of a “leader” Justin Trudeau.

To discuss the ramifications of the rally we are joined by Salim Mansur, Professor Emeritus of political science at Western University.

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Feb 032022

Canada’s ‘fake news’ media has transformed itself from being the ‘mainstream’ to being the ‘mean-stream’ media. Even before the Truckers for Freedom convoy arrived in Ottawa last weekend, the ‘mean stream’ of misleading and false accusations made against them have offered the world first-hand evidence of the media’s hatred and intolerance towards peaceful freedom-loving Canadians.

Indeed, the sheer intolerance and disrespect towards those who have a different opinion exhibited by Leftist ‘pro-vaxxers’ stands in stark contrast to those labeled ‘anti-vaxxers’ or some variant of a right-wing pejorative. The latter exhibit no animosity whatever towards the former, and would never deprive them of their right to choose.

The Left, on the other hand, would deny the ‘unvaxxed’ health care, freedom of association, freedom of speech, the freedom to work, and certainly the freedom to remain injection free. They would segregate them entirely from the rest of those who submit to political mandates.

Trudeau’s unconscionable statements expressing intolerance for the ‘unvaccinated’ and the ‘unacceptability’ of certain political opinions have been met with revulsion and disgust on the part of those who value individual freedom.

Yet his fascist intolerance has also been met with an increased popularity in the polls, as has been the case with similarly intolerant and fascist provincial premiers. Thanks to the ‘mean-stream’ media, a majority of Canadians remain isolated from the truth about the lockdowns and ‘vaccines’ that are no such thing.

As inspiring, positive, and re-assuring as the world record-breaking event in Ottawa has been for those on (and in) the Right, Justin Trudeau and his paid-for ‘mean-stream’ media have been doing everything possible to portray the event as some kind of racist-fascist plot to overthrow the country. We can expect more of the same propaganda to come.

So far, it looks as if the Truckers for Freedom have done everything Just Right; now comes the hard part.

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Paul McKeever | Leader of the Freedom Party of Ontario

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Dec 272021

With an Ontario election scheduled for June 2nd, 2022 there are a lot of parties vying for the vote. All but one of these parties are collectivist, catering to the whims and wishes of special interests and groups. Only one political party has ever been for individual freedom — The Freedom Party of Ontario.

Many Ontarians today may not have heard of the Freedom Party of Ontario and anyone familiar with their policies and platforms will know why. They are a unique party that believes that the purpose of government is to protect an individual’s right to their life, liberty, and property. Having such views it is no wonder that the Party and its Leader, Paul McKeever are ignored by the media despite decades of successfully battling socialism.

Robert Vaughan of Just Right Media (a member of Freedom Party since 1985) interviews Paul McKeever in a discussion about the policies of the Party, the socialist history of the governing Progressive Conservative Party under Premier Doug Ford, the rise of splitter vanity and social conservative parties such as the Ontario First Party of Randy Hillier and the New Blue Party led by Jim Karahalios, and the sorry state of Ontario society under decades of collectivist rule.

Just Right Media is endorsing the Freedom Party in the upcoming 2022 Ontario election. You can find out more about the Party here:

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Éric Zemmour and the reconquest of France | Salim Mansur

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Dec 202021

French journalist Éric Zemmour is running for the Presidency of France this April and as with any “conservative” candidates who stand against open immigration policies he is being typically vilified by the far-Left media and falsely accused as being a racist.

Professor Salim Mansur of Western University gives us his views of Éric Zemmour, the immigration policies of Western societies, and the predictable treatment given Zemmour by the globalist press.

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Oct 142021

On February 2, 2013, Australian politician Ann Bressington delivered a haunting speech at the Adelaide Convention Centre as part of the Lord Monckton Launch. She warned that Agenda 21 is “about controlling every aspect of our lives,” and that “fear of an environmental crisis will be used to create a world government.”

Alarmingly, in citing Agenda 21’s depopulation agenda, she warned: “Another goal of the depopulation process is that the upcoming generation will submit to sterilization to save mother earth.” And with that sentence Bressington connected the dots between ‘fighting climate change’ and ‘mandated vaccinations,’ both Agenda 21 strategies to depopulate the planet and establish a single world government.

It is now 2021, the targeted year of Agenda 21, and the depopulation agenda is well under way. It’s surprising how many people still believe that Agenda 21 is only a ‘conspiracy’ theory. Talk about not seeing the forest for the trees! Continue reading »

725 – Health care fascism—a prescription for hate

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Sep 232021

Against an avalanche of evidence and personal testimonies demonstrating the harm and destruction wrought by the ‘Covid vaccines’ themselves, our state officials and government bureaucrats insist on inflicting the horror on as many as possible in as short a time as possible.

The continuing insistence on the part of government that every individual be ‘vaccinated’ is a moral obscenity and a crime against humanity. “A scale of madness that is utterly unprecedented in the history of the world,” says Canada’s Dr Roger Hodkinson.

Even worse, governments are implementing fascist measures designed to separate the ‘vaccinated’ from the ‘unvaccinated,’ including the stirring up of hatred among the former against the latter.

All of this is consistent with the long-announced and publicized plans behind the fascist Agenda-21 and the ‘Great Re-set,’ names invented to describe the global effort to destroy freedom, capitalism, and humanity itself. What are being called ‘vaccine passports’ are no such thing; they are a weapon of the broader globalist agenda against individual personal freedom.

The great continuing danger is that too many people still cannot see the forest for the trees. Many literally believe that there is a viral pandemic (there isn’t), that the ‘vaccines’ work’ (they don’t), and that the politics is incidental (it isn’t). It’s the other way round. The ‘viral pandemic’ is a tactical narrative used as a key weapon in a war to implement the globalist political agenda.

Against the mindless global drone of “Build back better,” we must come to the realization that our challenge now is to ‘build back’ in a way that is Just Right, one that will protect, not destroy, individual freedom of choice.

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724 – People’s Party of Canada—Rising on the Right | Mike McMullen

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Sep 162021

Corporate media attention has increasingly been featuring lead stories about the rise of the People’s Party of Canada’s (PPC) standing in the official polls. The party once ignored by the media is now being vilified on its front pages and major news reports.

The rise of the PPC’s popularity along with its increased appeal on alternate social media is evidence of a ‘purple wave’ of shifting political preferences no longer possible to deny. Our guest, London-West PPC candidate Mike McMullen has been experiencing that wave first hand and has some interesting insights from the front-lines of the political conflict.

Like many other PPC candidates across the country, Mike’s view of the ‘purple wave’ corresponds with theirs, suggesting that the wave is not merely a local phenomenon but a national one. If so, things are definitely moving in the Right direction for the PPC, but how large the ‘purple wave’ of support turns out to be at the polls is anyone’s guess. We are in uncharted territory, especially given the critical and unique nature of this election.

It bears reminding that while every election results in winners and losers, the political conflict between freedom (on the Right) and tyranny (on the Left) never ends. No matter the election outcome, the People’s Party of Canada will still continue to be Canada’s only federal party that is Just Right for the country.

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