740 – Prescriptions for freedom

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Jan 062022

At a time when individual freedom has never been more restricted, for the first time in their lives many people are finding themselves confronted with the challenge of how to reclaim and protect their freedom.

Among the questions they’re asking is some version of “what can we do?” – and the numerous suggestions being offered could present us with an entirely new category of ‘variants’ for consideration.

Adding to everyone’s anxiety is a growing awareness that much of the population is gripped in a form of mass psychosis, with all of the classic symptoms and manifestations that entails.

How to respond to these conditions requires a public discussion that has long been overdue and which is now thankfully finally beginning.

Eventually, the truth will emerge that there’s no single way to fight for freedom that is Just Right – but to do nothing is not an option if freedom is to prevail.

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738 – Just music that’s Just Right—singing in the reign (of tyranny)

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Dec 232021

On the heels of yet another Christmas season restriction on public ‘singing’ and ‘caroling’, it is only fitting that some actual voices singing – against the reign of tyranny – should be heard.

If it’s true that politics is ‘downstream from culture,’ then there’s a positive cultural development for freedom in the field of music. Many artists are musically voicing their opposition to the tyranny that has been imposed on the pretense of avoiding a dangerous virus.

From freedom of speech to ‘vaccines’ to the tyranny itself, our musical selection today features some of these artists and performers. It is encouraging to discover how so many are awake and aware of what is actually happening in this political pandemic.

That’s why everyone should be singing in the reign (of tyranny)! How? By featuring just the music that’s Just Right.

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736 – Trust issues in an age of tyranny | Salim Mansur

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Dec 092021

Our guest Professor Salim Mansur predicts “a very bleak future” thanks to a breakdown of trust in our institutions and to the erosion of trust between individuals.

On the doorstep of a dystopian future that has struck fear into the minds and hearts of millions, the general prognosis is that things will get worse – before they get worse! That is, unless more people become aware of how they are being influenced and controlled by those behind Agenda 21 and the Great Reset.

Perhaps the most successful strategy employed by the powers behind Agenda 21 and the Great Reset is the ‘smart tyranny’ so smartly introduced through the use of smartphones. This technology, instead of bringing people closer together has contributed to the “atomization” of individuals who can then be manipulated by a technocracy determined to control every aspect of human life, suggests Salim.

Thanks to continuous lockdowns, mandated injections and masking, the destruction of our economies and of the currencies that make commerce possible, the fake-news media, and demands that everyone must carry ‘vaccine passports,’ the necessary trust upon which free societies are based has all but disappeared. This is no accident, but intentional. Continue reading »

The erosion of trust and the atomization of society | Salim Mansur

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Dec 032021

“I fear we are becoming a society of atomized individuals,” says Professor Salim Mansur of Western University. “And as atomized individuals, we can then be manipulated whichever way the powers want to manipulate us because we don’t know where we are headed. We don’t trust each other. And that leads to atomization where we exist but we no longer exist as a people related to each other, sharing common values, and upon which then we engage with each other. It means a very bleak future.”

Join us in conversation with Professor Mansur as we discuss the erosion of trust in society, the erosion of Western culture, and the corrupted news media which lies at the heart of our mistrust.

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726 – Emergency ethics and the rule of lawlessness

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Sep 302021

There is a growing fear among many in the legal profession that the courts are no longer an instrument of justice. Laws, rules, and definitions are being constantly manipulated to push the perpetual mantra of ‘getting vaccinated,’ which has all along been the objective even before anyone ever heard of coronavirus.

The Ontario Human Rights Commission recently ruled that “requiring proof of vaccination to protect people at work or when receiving services is generally permissible.”

Given the nature and dismal record of the so-called ‘vaccines’ in question, the ruling is immoral, irrational, and futile. Even those pushing the vaccines admit that the ‘vaccines’ offer no protection against getting or spreading the ‘virus,’ no matter the variant being offered on any given day.

Many rightly consider the vaccine mandates to be a violation of their rights even though that may not be the case in law. Justified by declaring a ‘state of emergency,’ it appears that governments are permitted to violate rights and impose restrictions on individual freedom without limits. Continue reading »

Aug 262021

“Don’t forget to take your vitamins today. I took mine but they won’t work unless you take yours.” Silly, yes. But such is the non sequitur being used to promote and mandate dangerous ‘experimental’ injections into the arms of every man woman and child on the face of the planet.

The cognitive dissonance required to accept this kind of logic as a reason to ‘get a jab’ or to sacrifice one’s individual freedom is a subject that deserves our attention, especially since a significant portion of the population actually thinks this way. Many of them would not see the humor in our opening ‘vitamin’ example.

For those who still don’t get the joke, taking vitamins (or any medicines) works for the person taking them even if no one else takes vitamins. Seriously. That’s actually a fact. Similarly, getting vaccinated works for the vaccinated even if no one else gets vaccinated. Seriously. That’s what being ‘vaccinated’ means. Otherwise, it’s not a vaccine.

Not only that, but being ‘vaccinated’ means being vaccinated ‘against’ something. Yet, according to the manufacturers of the injections themselves, the so-called ‘Covid’ vaccines do not even protect against ‘Covid’ or prevent the spread of any viruses that may cause ‘Covid.’ Still, despite these glaring admissions, there are people who take the jab under the exact opposite expectation, oblivious to what they have been told.

But the cognitive dissonance doesn’t end there. Many take the ‘vaccine’ in the hope of regaining some limited freedom of mobility. But again, officials have already told us in no uncertain terms that whether vaccinated or not, mask wearing, lockdowns, and more forced ‘vaccinations’ will continue unabated. Consider the sheer lunacy of it all. Continue reading »

Taliban takeover and the East/West culture clash | Salim Mansur

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Aug 192021

The West’s capitulation in Afghanistan marks a pivot point in East-West geopolitics and just as the 20th century was Europe-centered in politics and culture the 21st century will have all eyes on Asia with Afghanistan being at the heart of it.

The West abandoned colonialism after World War II only to replace it with “Nation Building” which, as our guest, Professor Salim Mansur describes, is just colonialism under another name and doomed to fail.

As Salim explains, the West was unprepared for this dynamic shift and rather than end its failed efforts to build democracies in parts of the world where there is no history of individualism it has instead embraced the tribal and collectivist attitudes of its enemies resulting in a string of military failures and the deconstruction of Western values here at home.

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