383 – Charlie Hebdo and the New Vichy France / Bill Cosby – fact check

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Jan 152015

Charlie Hebdo


00:07 Misplaced empathy for Charlie Hebdo: Islamist atrocities are commonplace, Charlie Hebdo socialists, Nigerian slaughter by Islamists, public reaction, capitulation of the West to soldiers of Islam, French hypocrisy on freedom of speech, media fear of Islamists, democracy vs Sharia law, Pope Francis on Charlie Hebdo shootings, French denial, Canadian Muslims, Muslims facing tomorrow, at war with Sharia law
17:15 The media is the anti-Cosby message: feminist agenda to destroy truth and normal relationships between men and women, re-definition of consent, call to abolish presumption of innocence, good reasons for statute of limitations, media is the message, exaggerating protest numbers, media sexism against Cosby
30:25 For the cause against the ‘Cos: Cosby’s reason for not speaking to media on allegations, Cosby pleads for fact-check, behind the allegations, Phylicia Rashad says Cosby allegations orchestrated, feminist agenda against Cosby, a sorry list of allegers against Cosby, Lachele Covington, hanky-panky, one alleger with three contradictory allegations
46:30 Disturbing facts about Cosby’s accusers: Shawn Brown aka Shawn Upshaw, Autumn Jackson, Carla Ferrigno, Joyce Emmons, political attacks against Cosby, allegations and extortion, tabloid media agenda against Cosby, allegation sources from gossip magazines, attorney Gloria Allred, why Cosby was right not to speak out 58:33 END

382 – Bill Cosby – The two courts / Childhood’s End – Arthur C. Clarke revisited

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Jan 082015

Bill Cosby


00:07 The two courts: Bill Cosby in London, allegations against Bill Cosby, court of public opinion, court of law, presumption of innocence, political opportunism, Jane Piper
19:20 Court of no defence: Megan Walker, Anne Bokma, Bill Cosby, Andy Oudman, court of law vs court of public opinion, courting no defence, lack of evidence, feminism and feminists, public lynching, reputation
29:30 Childhood’s End – Arthur C. Clarke revisited: 2001-A Space Odyssey, Arthur C. Clarke, science and science fiction, retrospective view of earlier science fiction, Clarke’s view of humanity
41:20 Heinlein vs Asimov vs Card: individualism vs collective, Robert A Heinlein’s view of the heroic man, Heinlein’s political views, Time Enough For Love, Isaac Asimov, Orson Scott Card, Ender’s Game, audio books vs written word 54:50 END

366 – Prude police / Culturing a rape culture / Feminist myths and misses / NOTO NATO

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Sep 042014



00:07 Prude police: Frosh week, Western Gazette, Megan Walker, moral guardian, media reactions to Gazette Frosh edition, Robyn Urback, Andrew Lawton, the prude police
17:25 Culturing a rape culture: Frosh week chants, modesty, Megan Walker, crying rape, redefining rape to advance feminist agendas
32:58 Feminist myths and misses: Christina Hoff Sommers, feminism, feminist myths, poverty, slavery, domestic violence, sexual assault
48:55 NOTO NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Ukraine, Canada’s commitment to NATO, NATO as a cause for the next world war, Treaty of Brussels, principles of mutual defence 55:42 END

365 – Making book on the future / Froshing at the mouth

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Aug 282014

UWO Gazette


00:07 Making book on the future: civilization’s basic books, cook book – science book – philosophy book, future prediction, ideas and consequences, ideas in history, unhindering inquiry into the nature of the universe
13:20 Idea-ology: power of the printed word, from the enlightenment to the present, preserving knowledge, paper vs data storage, cyberhumans, genetic engineering, utopian future vs bleak future
26:40 Western Gazette delivers – an apology: Western Gazette frosh issue, Megan Walker, Andy Oudman, owed an apology, calls for resignation and apologies, Megan Walker’s bizarre demands, Megan Walker’s call for censorship, O-Week Drinking Game article, disturbing reactions to satire and humour, Big Bang Theory Drinking Game rules
48:14 Froshing at the mouth: the Gazette articles that offended, how to date a teaching assistant, stalking on Facebook, drug advice, no sense of humour 53:07 END

352 – Guests: Raheel Raza & Salim Mansur – Honor Diaries

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May 292014

Honor Diaries


00:07 Dishonoring “Honor”: Salim Mansur, Honor Diaries, violence against women, Pakistan horror, hick tribes or national tribalism, the pervasiveness of honor killings, murder in the name of Islam, history of arranged marriage, the sociological perspective, cross-cultural honor killings, honor vs morality, sex-based judgement, where does love come into this?
17:56 Spare the brick: Raheel Raza, interpreting Islam, spiritual journey or road to violence, turning a blind eye to honor killings, institutionalized hate, Sharia law, “honor” or “macho”, Boko Haram, patriarchy, open society vs closed society, the long struggle to freedom, individual vs the tribe
31:27 Does CAIR care?: Does CAIR care? criticism of Honor Diaries, support for misogyny and honor killings, knee jerks, where are the feminists? Islamophobia – the new scarlet letter
44:18 The deafening silence: The role of women in honor killings, non-Muslim examples of honor killings, sati, the West is becoming a closed society, brainwashing women to participate in honor killings, Mohammed was a feminist 60:00 END

349 – The gender gap trap / Game of Thrones vs Vikings

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May 082014

We Can Do It


00:00 Just Right updates and write-them-down dates: Election call, Freedom Party candidates in London, Lars Hedegaard attempted assassination suspect arrested in Turkey, Muslims Facing Tomorrow, Raheel Raza, The Honor Diaries, CAIR, Paul McKeever, Andrew Lawton, Raheel Raza, Boko Haram, Islam accommodation
13:44 Gender gap trap: Robert Reich, Charles B Rangel, Batman, Robin, Batgirl, equal pay, federal equal pay law, The Misandry Bubble, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, Warren Farrell, Why Men Earn More, pay gap, pay paradox, Equal Pay Day, women in the White House, girls do better than boys in school, hypocritical feminists, male gender vilification
29:40 Batty ideas about gender differences: Claire Shipman, The Confidence Gap, glass ceiling, difference between men and women, women more intimate, men effective policy makers, ego, No Country For Burly Men, beta male politicians, force in feminism, the feminist mystique
42:15 Throne Wars: Vikings vs Game of Thrones:Vikings, Game of Thrones, fingers or tongue, fail compilations, the allure of sex and violence, no plot just gore and sex, vile characters, the saga of Ragnar Lothbrok, characterization, violence should advance the plot, the capricious King Joffrey, everybody loves a gore fest
58:50 END

306 – Guests: Ryan Doxtator, Janice Fiamengo – A men’s issue: From shared parenting to feminism

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Jun 272013

Father and Son


00:07 Daddy Issues: father’s role, Father’s Day, GUEST: Ryan Doxtator, domestic abuse, mental health, family law, police enforcement, family support network, child custody, court disputes
10:30 Father Knows Nothing: negative father images, Father’s Day, feminists, male disadvantages, police enforcement, family law, affirmative action, feminist world view, GUEST: Ryan Doxtator,  women’s studies, no alternatives to police enforcement, no voice for men’s issues, ending the silence of abuse, Rob Ford, duty to report, mental health issues, public attitudes to violence against men
31:40 What If We Had A Gender War, And No Men Showed Up? GUEST: Ryan Doxtator, GUEST: Professor Janice Fiamengo, women’s historical status, patriarchy, feminist ideology, past as present, sensitive gender issues, symmetry of gender violence, gender biased statistics, only women can be victims, Murray Straus, Suzanne Steinmetz, domestic violence studies, gender war or economic war, men and boys falling behind, controversial speakers on campus
46:14 Focus On The Family: old fashioned journalist, conclusion before evidence, freedom of speech, liberal establishment, education, family breakdown, old left vs new left, discrimination, Western values, GUEST:Ryan Doxtator, GUEST: Professor Janice Fiamengo, Leading Women For Shared Parenting, critiquing feminist assumptions, common sense discussion, best interest of children, focus on the family, parental alienation as abuse 57:37 END