828 – The crisis narrative—from 9/11 to 2023

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Sep 142023

In marking the 22nd anniversary of 9/11, we looked into our own archive to see how we ourselves were discussing what is today understood to have been a state orchestrated false flag, and what we said in 2001 was alarming. Our first public discussion on this criminal state psyop took place on September 19 2001, only eight days following what the late documentarian Graham McQueen recently called “the worst event since World War 2.”

The “Left Right and Center” panel discussion that aired on CJBK AM radio 1290 in London Ontario with host Jim Chapman, London lawyer Jeff Schlemmer, and Freedom Party president Robert Metz presented a shockingly prophetic narrative in the context of today’s dystopia. Significantly, there was no mention of Osama Bin Laden, no mention of any identifiable foreign enemies, and not even any mention of the term “9/11” which did not come into popular usage until it was later associated with a series of false narratives spread by American officials.

It is easy to have forgotten that in the first days following September 11, the only context of the public discussion was focused on the government’s agenda for dealing with “terrorism.” That agenda included lockdowns, censorship, the issuance of “identity cards” and a call to go to war against some as yet unknown enemy. Worse, Americans were being asked to express a “willingness to temporarily sacrifice some of their constitutional protections in the name of making America a safer place for everyone.”

Sound familiar? It was the identical crisis narrative being repeated today with respect to Covid, climate change, Russia, Ukraine, the stolen American election, the assassinations of American presidents and leaders and every current act of treason perpetrated by the deep state again surfacing in the state manufactured crises’ of 2023. Their entire agenda – from 9/11 to 2023 – has always been predicated on a state murdering its own citizens, while transitioning everyone else into submissive slaves. This is a difficult pill to swallow, no matter how you look at it.

Perhaps the most prophetic words to come out of our September 19/01 discussion occurred with the following observation by Metz:

“You will know that your civil liberties are infringed upon when the state tells you that you can’t meet, you can’t have more than four people at your house at one time, or you can’t say what you want.”

It is now 2023. Been there. Done that. And they’re still doing it.

Being able to predict the future in a way that turned out to be Just Right was simply one consequence of understanding the principles that eventually led to the creation of this radio broadcast/podcast bearing the same name.

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821 – Democracy reconsidered—in the light of freedom

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Jul 272023

The manipulation of language and definitions is the primary tool of state control and tyranny. Arbitrarily replacing established definitions with anti-concepts makes for effective propaganda. The words “democracy” and “freedom” are perhaps two of the most manipulated concepts in this regard.

For example, witness Joe Biden’s obsessive compulsion with “democracy,” by which he means tyranny and censorship. Then contrast Biden’s “democracy” with that of Tucker Carlson’s “democracy” – a society synonymous with freedom and in which freedom of speech is paramount.

Paradoxically, each view is valid depending on the context and specific application. The paradox lies in the fact that, like freedom, democracy is more a political “condition” than an established system of governance.

Just as freedom arises when governments protect their citizens’ right to life, liberty and property, so too democracy arises to the extent that “the people” become involved in the process of governance. However, unrestricted by the principles underlying freedom, democracy permits “the people” to violate each other’s rights to life, liberty and property – subject only to a “majority” vote.

Thus the debate over defining a nation’s political “condition” (freedom, democracy) and “form” (republics, constitutionally limited monarchies, etc) carries on without any firm resolution regarding the true nature of a democracy.

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818 – DemocraZy—the politics of the Left

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Jul 062023

Democracy and freedom of speech go hand in hand. Yet today, those preaching “democracy” the loudest are busy legislating censorship and state regulations against freedom of expression.

Canada has recently passed Bill C-18, the Online News Act, yet another nail in the legislated coffin of free speech in that country. The Act is designed to extort funds from social media platforms that feature Canadian news reports, and to distribute that money to state favored Canadian news propaganda outlets.

In response, Facebook and others chose to eliminate all Canadian news content from their platforms entirely. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau then announced that it was “extremely disappointing to see that Facebook continues to refuse to accepts its responsibility towards our democracies by refusing to pay the fair share for Canadians to get local news and independent, rigorous journalistic content.”

For Trudeau and the Left, a government enforced “responsibility towards our democracies” is also their official cause cited for everything from mandated lockdowns and vaccinations to fighting climate change and waging war against Russia.

More ominously, the Canadian government is planning to introduce an Online Safety Act allowing it to jail and/or fine those it considers guilty of disseminating “hate speech” or of spreading “misinformation” or “disinformation.” This is ironic, given that the Trudeau government itself routinely does these things as a matter of course.

For the Left, these terms are epistemological weapons used to justify the censorship of those who disagree with them. That’s why those who accuse others of hate speech are always those who “hate speech” that is Just Right.

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807 – Trans unreality versus the ultimate binary

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Apr 202023

Touted as an “International Day of Trans Visibility,” what was recently made visible to the entire world is that the so-called “Trans” community consists of mentally ill political activists utterly disconnected from reality.

Thanks to Chris Elston, otherwise known as “Billboard Chris,” the world was able to directly witness the violent behavior of “Trans-activists” as police, members of the media and the activists themselves, not only denied seeing the assaults, but accused the victims of violence instead of the perpetrators.

Trying to make sense out of visibly irrational behavior leaves many bewildered, frustrated, and even angry. But at the root of the division between those who perceive reality and those who do not lies the ultimate binary: the metaphysical foundation of human thought and thinking.

Philosophically identified as the conflict between the “primacy of consciousness” and the “primacy of existence,” Ayn Rand and Leonard Peikoff described that conflict in terms of how people perceive and understand existence (reality) itself. Continue reading »

806 – Trans formation—and the binary reality of sex and politics

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Apr 132023

The uncivilized and violent behavior of so-called “trans-activists” is a direct consequence of their conflict with reality itself. It’s not the people they attack that they hate; they hate themselves.

Unable to justify their thoughts, feelings or actions, they blame that inability on the reaction of rational individuals to their epistemological dysfunction. They are angry and frustrated because their concepts and definitions do not describe or define anything objective or real.

In terms of “gender identity,” reality dictates that there are only two sexes: male and female. Similarly, in terms of political identity, there are only two polarities: Left and Right.

Accurate definitions are the key to discovering what is real and what is truth. Reality can only be apprehended by using real definitions of real concepts that actually exist in nature – another way of describing reality. Continue reading »

776 – Media fascists—calling for a police state

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Sep 152022

In a Sept 1 Open Letter to Prime Minister Trudeau, a group of prominent Canadian media interests called for the establishment of nothing less than a police state. “We are asking police forces to take several immediate steps… to combat abuse of journalists and all victims of online hate and harassment,” they chimed.

Among signatories to the request are the National Post, the Globe & Mail, Canadian Association of Broadcasters, the Canadian Association of Journalists, the Winnipeg Free Press, Toronto Star, TV Ontario, Quebecor, Postmedia, OMNI News, La Presse, City News, and many others.

Citing a global problem “in relation to the increasing and alarming online hate and harassment targeting journalists and journalism as a profession,” the letter called for an abandonment of investigating “individual complaints.” Instead, it called for a system allowing the media itself to report “patterns” that identify “connections of extremist groups” by means of “similar language, the language commonly used by domestic extremist groups.”

Lacking any specifics or examples, the letter is evidence of an inability to counter alternative narratives that demonstrate how inaccurate and misleading their own news coverage has been. The deafening silence from the state-sponsored media in response to Joe Biden’s Sept 1 speech served as an ironic backdrop to the request from a media that can no longer be trusted to report the news.

As accumulating data and verifiable narratives continue to show how the “fake news media” earned its reputation, the natural resentment and disgust with fake news is now being experienced as “online hate and harassment.” But instead of countering alternative narratives with their own, the media fascists have opted for state control of the competition.

Of course, the right thing to always do is to ensure an exchange of ideas and perspectives in an open forum free of any censorship. Through such exchanges – or from a refusal to participate in them – one can best discover and learn to trust those media sources that consistently prove to be Just Right in their search for the truth.

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760 – Projecting a state of freedom | Derek Proulx

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May 262022

“Live free or die” is the state motto of New Hampshire, and our guest Derek Proulx, a volunteer with the Free State Project elaborates: “…for death is not the worst of evils – slavery is.”

The strategy behind the project depends upon attracting a significant number of liberty-minded activists to a single state, one with a low enough population to effectively enable them to lobby and influence the local culture so as to elect more freedom-oriented political representatives to local governments.

Remarkably, there are other similar projects springing up, such as one now underway in Alberta involving the separation of that province from the rest of Canada. Its proponents argue that Alberta must be freed from the tyranny and “abuse” of the federal government.

But why these strategies? It appears the realization that freedom-loving people are a minority is causing many of them to create a refuge from the submissive majority. The success of their efforts is being measured against how well a particular ‘free state’ can maintain its independence and freedom segregated from the majority culture.

In the short run, this strategy can be judged successful but the greater challenge – and long-term danger – still remains. A free state cannot long co-exist next to a tyrannical state, let alone within one, as is the case with provinces and states within their republics or confederations. History and logic both demonstrate that the more dominant state will inevitably rule the smaller.

Thus the necessity of inculcating a philosophy and deep understanding of the nature of individual freedom remains an eternal task, one that must be directed beyond the confines of a segregated jurisdiction
. Establishing a universal awareness and appreciation of freedom’s profound virtue and benefits is a cultural pre-requisite towards establishing any free state – or free nation – or free world – in a manner that’s Just Right.

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