897 – Putting Canada first | Maxime Bernier

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Jan 292025

With a pending Canadian federal election just around the corner, we continue our January 15 preview conversation with PPC leader Maxime Bernier with a deeper focus on some of the specific policies that the PPC will be bringing to the Canadian electorate.

Significantly, Maxime Bernier and the People’s Party of Canada have of late been garnering the attention of the broader international community, which is not only becoming aware that Bernier exists, but that Poilievre may not be Canada’s ideal alternative to the Trudeau regime. Moreover, it is becoming clear that there are many similar patterns of election interference and corruption targeting Maxime’s election campaign that echo the experience of many Western nations.

After all, silencing voices of reason and common sense is a necessary objective of all those who promote Leftist ideologies and policies. That’s why the rules keep changing to keep Maxime Bernier out of the leaders’ debate in the upcoming election.

Small wonder. Just about everything that Bernier and the PPC stand for is the polar opposite of the entrenched Canadian establishment.
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891 – Canada’s dystopian derangement—from race to Russians

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Dec 182024

Upon witnessing the caliber of Canadian politicians and bureaucrats in action, it’s not hard to see why Canada has become so corrupt.

For all its claims to the contrary, Canada has become an explicitly racist, sexist, and fascist state, made so by decades of political corruption that was never addressed or rectified.

On the municipal and provincial levels, we are witness to the town of Wainfleet Ontario‘s council stealing the money and property of its own municipal taxpayers through the use of arbitrary fines.

Meanwhile, the town of Emo Ontario has been fined by an Ontario Human Rights tribunal for failing to fly a gay pride flag.

And on the federal level, Canadian podcaster Lauren Southern has been threatened and harassed for expressing her views by Canada’s fascist Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security. Continue reading »

885 – State of confusion—about the state

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Nov 062024

Now that Trump has achieved his well-earned electoral victory, expectations will be high for the Trump team to deliver on its agenda. If past experience is any guide, the greatest danger now facing the Right is for a sense of complacency to emerge within its ranks, following a victory presumed to be an end goal.

Too often, many on the Right disengage from the political process after achieving a given political objective. Meanwhile, the Left never ceases to aggressively engage in the political process irrespective of its victories or losses.

It is not for nothing it is said that eternal vigilance is the price of freedom. It is a lack of that vigilance (and understanding) required to protect freedom that has allowed the process of state growth to continue unabated.

Thus the years ahead demand a clear understanding of the nature of what we have all been through, in terms of our governments running amok, constantly creating crisis’, and pushing us to the brink of war. To reverse that trend and to prevent it from repeating, we must correctly identify the cause and process that leads to tyranny.

Towards that end our attention was recently drawn to Murray Rothbard’s Anatomy of the State (1974), in which the classic libertarian defined what the state is and is not, along with the step-by-step process that tyrannical governments universally follow to achieve their sinister ends. It is a process chillingly descriptive of today’s political zeitgeist. Continue reading »

867 – Time served—the criminal trials of Julian Assange

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Jul 032024

“The case of Julian Assange symbolizes how bankrupt the West has become,” says Salim Mansur. He also warns that, in the rise of an Anglo-American empire, there can be no republican values.

Translated, that means that individual rights and freedom do not exist in empires and that freedom of speech represents a deadly threat to empires because they are of necessity based on lies.

In referring to the criminal trials of Julian Assange, it must be emphasized that it is the trials themselves that were criminal, not any proven allegations against Julian Assange. His ‘crime’ was to shine a light on the empire of lies.

Among the greatest of those lies were the narratives contrived to justify perpetual war. With an understanding that war depends on lies while peace depends on truth, the necessity of false narratives on the part of the war mongering ‘military industrial complex’ becomes self-evident.

How something as undemocratic as a ‘military industrial complex’ could have arisen within a democracy can partially be explained by learning that the original name of that complex was the ‘Military Industrial Congressional Complex.’ In other words, the democratic component of the complex appears to have been Congress itself, and the word ‘Congressional’ was duly removed to help conceal that association.

The false narratives were spread by what Donald Trump famously coined ‘the fake news media’ while those who revealed true narratives were subject to censorship and political imprisonment. Despite a past Supreme Court ruling that “a free press is intended to serve the governed, not the government,” it is clear that there is no longer a functional Fourth Estate dedicated to that task and responsibility.

Thankfully it appears that the rising influence of social media, combined with the falling influence of mainstream media, is having a positive effect towards creating a better informed citizenry. Independent journalism seems to be an ideal way to re-establish a Fourth Estate that serves the governed in a way that is Just Right.

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850 – The spoken to—Censorship’s true target

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Mar 062024

Once again, Canada’s politicians are on the ‘banning hate speech’ bandwagon, this time in the guise of a piece of legislation being introduced into parliament as Bill C-63.

The proposals contained in Bill C-63 are so bizarre and outrageous that most would dismiss them outright. Like something out of a science-fiction horror fantasy, the bill allows the government to convict, fine, and imprison ‘for life’ people who have not committed any speech offense, but who may do so in the future. Seriously.

How are such people to be identified? Through a ‘complaint’ system in which the identity of the complainant is kept a secret. The complainant can be anyone. As explained by Ezra Levant, “a person may lay an information if he fears that another person will commit a speech offense in the future.” And that’s just the tip of the iceberg of Bill C-63’s unconscionable and immoral proposals.

But more frightening than the contents of the bill itself are the people who would even allow themselves to entertain such evil. Former Heritage Minister Steven Guilbeault, who drafted the law, has announced that the government also has a “nuclear option” by being able to make it impossible to access any specific website in the country.

The Trudeau government’s obsession with regulating and censoring the internet suggests that he and his government greatly fear the truth. Truth is, after all, what is being eliminated from any allowable public discussion.

The real immorality of censorship is not just in the fact that it violates the fundamental right of someone to speak freely (which it does) but also because it violates the fundamental rights of those who wish to hear and listen freely. Censorship is less about the speaker than it is about the ‘spoken to’. The speaker is already in possession of the truth; the ‘spoken to’ may not be aware of the truth, and that’s how the politicians of the Left want to keep it.

Given that the Left is always unable to defend its ideology on intellectual or moral grounds, censorship is a great way to avoid that responsibility: “When persuasion fails, just use force.” Censorship is the perfect weapon of violence for those consumed with irrational hatreds that they do not wish to have exposed.

This should not be surprising because when it comes to ‘hate,’ the Left hates individualism, freedom, free speech, private property rights, justice, capitalism, and anybody or anything that is Just Right.

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Dec 212023

Since October 7 the attack on Israel by Hamas has dominated the world stage. Though initial global reaction sympathized with the Israeli victims, it was not long before Western public sentiment had expressed a surprising level of moral support for the actions of Hamas, accompanied by open calls for the death of Jews.

Why the Jewish culture has been so hated and condemned throughout history has never been explained in a way that can withstand the test of time. To help broaden our discussions about the nature of Israel and Jewish traditions, our guest Irving Weisdorf – as a secular Jew himself – offers his own perspective and experience within the Jewish tradition.

With a traditional stress on education and hard work combined with an ethic of “being the best that you can be,” that philosophy goes a long way towards explaining why the Jewish culture is so successful. It may also help explain the real motivation behind anti-Semitism as being a “hatred of the good for being the good,” as described by Ayn Rand.

Whether this proves to be the explanation that is Just Right is something that can only be determined in an open forum of free discussion involving the nature of good and evil itself.

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Oct 052023

Canada’s unconscionable support of the most corrupt and evil regime on the planet – Ukraine – is consistent with its federal parliament having unanimously given two standing ovations (on September 22) to one of the most evil Nazi war criminals on the planet – Yaroslav Hunka.

So why is the Canadian parliament now pretending to be so embarrassed about honoring this Nazi, while simultaneously speaking with moral righteousness and pride about honoring another Nazi – Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy?

More significantly, why is Canada so determined to support an openly Nazi regime responsible for unspeakable and reprehensible acts of murder terrorism and torture in Ukraine for many years now?

Our guest Salim Mansur offers a deeply uncomfortable response to these questions, forcing a discussion of one of the most taboo subjects anywhere. Taboo, because the reality of “Jewish Nazis” has become universally denounced as a contradiction in terms, and there are interests who want to keep that myth alive. As a safe haven for thousands of unvetted Nazis since the end of WW2, Canada is home to many of these interests, which explains much of the motivation behind Trudeau’s hatred of the Russians.

When Putin originally announced that he intended to “de-Nazify Ukraine” he was being quite literal and precise about the nature of the conflicts there. If Salim’s prediction that Putin will soon be “flinging the evidence (of Nazi criminality) in the face of the Western world” should come to pass, then the next move to take that would be Just Right is to “de-Nazify Canada.”

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