Mar 112021

“Question authority before authority questions you.”

Let’s hope that it is not too late to apply these words of wisdom in the authoritarian dystopia that has descended upon us under the pretense of protecting us from a virus. Sadly, there is a substantive portion of the population that not only refuses to question authority, it openly welcomes authority – an authority without accountability.

That would be tragic enough, but many of these authoritarians refuse to allow others to question authority. It’s a prescription for generating fear and blind obedience.

Benjamin Franklin warned that “It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority” while Albert Einstein noted that “Blind belief in authority is the greatest enemy of truth.”

Together, these words of wisdom go a long way towards explaining our dystopian unreality. For the past year or so, we have all been subjected to fake propaganda spewed by a fake news media about a fake pandemic designed to scare people into getting a fake vaccine. Talk about ‘unreality’!

Thankfully, more individuals and groups are coming forward with specific objectives that question authority.

This past Monday, “a non-profit collaboration of medical doctors, nurses, chiropractors, naturopaths, pharmacists, and other healthcare practitioners from across Canada” issued a media release under the umbrella of the Canadian Health Alliance.

Fundamentally, the alliance called for a complete end to all COVID policies.

“(Our) common goal is to protect the rights of our patients to access the highest quality healthcare available, continued freedom of choice, and autonomy through informed consent. Our goal is to halt the misuse of power by politicized public health ‘experts’ currently being conveyed through damaging COVID-19 public health policies that are destroying Canadian society and the health of Canadians.”

As an authoritative voice questioning authority, the Canadian Health Alliance is demonstrating that the best reason to question authority is because doing so is Just Right.

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