Mar 082021

“Conservatism is based on the writings of Edmund Burke and his American defender, Russell Kirk, and is not an ideology but an attitude towards life and politics, a state of mind or thinking, a manner of living, a commitment to an ideal that is rooted in history, a respect for tradition and faith and community on the basis of accepting that there is sacredness in life and living which transcends an individual in his time and place and, therefore, continuity of institutions through which public life is mediated is important and from this, it follows that while change is a given as part of nature and is natural conservatives do not make of change a fetish to be sought or desired for the sake of change.” ~ Salim Mansur

With this definition of conservatism as a foundation, Professor Salim Mansur demonstrates, in his conversation with Just Right Media’s Robert Vaughan, that the Conservative Party of Canada has, at least since Prime Minister R.B Bennett in the 1930s, not been an organization created to defend individual liberty and the ideals of conservatism, but rather a political machine that has usurped the name of conservatism and acted as a firewall to individual freedom.

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