“When you cannot define something, it has no identity,” asserts our guest Salim Mansur in a statement that strikes at the heart of all politics and human rationality.
At question is the term “multiculturalism.” Salim has been calling it a “Delectable Lie” which is also the title of the book he wrote to repudiate that lie and to distinguish the natural social condition of “multi ethnicity” from the contradictory and undefinable concept of “multiculturalism.”
“Culture” describes a human collective based upon a set of commonly shared values. “Ethnicity” describes an individual, based on physical characteristics, language, religion, social tradition, and/or nation of origin, etc.
And while it is valid to say that a group of individuals sharing the same ethnicity and values can be called a “culture,” the same cannot be said about a multiple “group of cultures.” This is contradictory.
For example, if “two or more cultures” were said to share the same set of values, then by definition we would still be dealing with a single culture (i.e., Western culture). But if two or more cultures with widely differing and opposing values were to be grouped under a single identity, calling such a grouping a “culture” is an absurd contradiction because it completely invalidates the concept and definition of “culture.”
Hence, “multiculturalism” – the “ism” being key to the true nature of the concept (political), and of those who would promote it (politicians). Given the globalist agenda to destroy cultures and nationhood, the anti-concept “multiculturalism” was invented to accommodate and perpetuate a contradiction destructive to all real cultures. That contradiction is the real reason why the term can never be defined objectively.
Consequently, defining the term has been left to the subjective whims of the politicians forcing their destructive contradiction upon society, an agenda that by its nature is fascist. Thus by the simple acceptance of the term “multiculturalism” fascism itself has become normalized within the liberal cultures originally founded to prevent that from happening.
Fortunately, Salim’s warning against multiculturalism comes with a singular remedy that’s Just Right: “E pluribus unum” (Out of many, one).
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