Many on the Right have recently found themselves questioning whether or not those on the Left are literally suffering from some kind of mental illness. In making this observation, Montreal litigator turned YouTuber David Freiheit recently said “I’m trying not to think along the terms of Left versus Right,” yet nevertheless was compelled to do exactly that. “Something is broken about a Leftie brain,” he concluded.
And he was essentially correct, though not for the reason he suspects. What is ‘broken’ in a ‘Leftie’s brain’ is the Left’s epistemology, which consists of a litany of false definitions, contradictions in logic, and an explicit rejection of reality. This mindset originates from the ‘Primacy of Consciousness,’ a way of thinking which holds that reality has no independent existence and is a product of consciousness.
No different than a computer programmed with corrupt software, those on the Left have been programmed by a ‘garbage-in-garbage-out’ political language and ideology that does not correspond to reality. Consequently, more and more rational people are beginning to realize that the Left and Right are much more widely polarized along fundamental principles than previously believed.
Of course, the fundamental flaw in the long believed-in ‘political spectrum’ is that, with Communism on the Left and Fascism falsely represented as the Right, freedom and capitalism were nowhere to be found. But both in theory and practice, fascism belongs on the Left along with its other collectivist ideologies. Freedom belongs on the Right. This is a polarity, not a spectrum.
The grand awakening that many experience when they realize that the two political parties they’ve long been voting for are really a ‘uni-party’ of some sort is often accompanied by the false conclusion that Left and Right are no longer distinguishable and therefore meaningless. But in fact, both parties in the so-called ‘uni-party’ are on the Left only, while the Right has yet to be claimed in the political arena.
The tendency to automatically label Liberals as ‘Left’ and Conservatives as ‘Right’ is understandable, but unfortunately to do so improperly combines two different categories of political labels and identities, thereby leading to the cognitive destruction of each. The liberal-conservative labels only refer to ‘people’ and groups, whereas the Left-Right labels can only be defined in terms of polarized ideas and principles.
The epistemological nature of Left and Right are either very poorly understood or not understood at all – by most people on the Right and by virtually all people on the Left. How long it will take before enough people come understand the power of this polarity so as to be able to use it as an effective political compass – one capable of pointing in the Right direction – is anybody’s guess.
But it was refreshing to recently hear a political pundit from the U.K. describe the U.K.’s long-standing political system as “a two-party system: Left, and a little bit more Left…” because in so saying, he got it Just Right.
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