In the world of identity politics, common sense, logic, justice and reason do not rule.
Feminism is one form of identity politics – politics specifically motivated by sex and gender issues. Whether it’s the #metoo ‘movement’ or the ‘gender gap,’ feminism’s goals are all directed against the assumed superior status of men (referring to individuals who are male and possess a penis, for those confused by various ‘gender identities’).
On the social front, feminism’s success in ‘convicting’ selected males in various arbitrary courts of public opinion continues to undermine justice, both in the social sense and in the criminal sense.
On the economic front, feminism’s calls for closing the ‘gender gap’ is in fact a ‘gap’ in logic and morality. There is no such thing as a ‘gender gap.’ It’s a fiction.
A given ‘difference’ in economic status – whether in income, wealth, property, or productivity – is just that, a difference. It’s not a ‘gap.’ This principle applies not just to gender, but also to race, culture, language, intelligence, physical traits, or any other ‘group identity’ that one might imagine.
As soon as somebody calls a simple difference a ‘gap,’ you’re dealing with sinister intentions, and not with economics, nor with any injustice implied in attempting to correct the ‘gap.’ So before someone senses a contradiction, rest assured that even when it comes to logic, there are no ‘gaps.’ All that exists is a difference between the logical and the illogical.
It’s the very WORD ‘gap’ that needs to be eliminated, not the differences between people that these ‘gaps’ represent.
In order to prevent these self-evident truths from surfacing, apparently leveling arbitrary accusations of sexism, racism, and of having various cultural ‘phobias’ is now an acceptable way of debating one’s ideological opponents. These tactics are the weapons that the Left uses to ‘close’ its imaginary ‘gaps.’ It has had chilling effects on the freedom to speak out and challenge these so-called ‘gaps’ (and other fictions) in a rational way.
“Identity politics” is, frankly, simply another way of saying “racist and sexist politics” – politics based on the Leftist notion of group identities rather than on recognizing the sovereignty of the individual.
Consumed by many hatreds based on group identities (which can only lead to more irrational hatreds), the Left blames these collective hatreds on the Right in the hopes of, once again, leveling yet another imaginary ‘gap’ – a morality gap. But even here, the ‘gap’ is not a ‘gap,’ only a difference – a moral difference (i.e., between moral and immoral).
Unfortunately, Leftists’ hurling of ‘hate speech’ accusations has been most effective in silencing those against whom the accusations were made, irrespective of the facts. After all, who wants to be associated with ‘hating’ and isn’t ‘hate’ always something to be fought and eliminated?
Well, actually, no.
The belief that ‘all hate’ should be eliminated is both wrong and hypocritical. Even ‘hating hate’ is still ‘hate.’ What those intent on ‘eliminating hate’ really mean is eliminating free speech.
When it come to ‘hate,’ the Left hates individualism, freedom, free speech, private property rights, justice, and capitalism, to name but a few hatreds of the Left. Worse, the Left doesn’t tolerate anyone on the Right talking about those hated things.
Once it’s understood what the Left hates, then it should also be understood why hating what’s Left is Just Right.
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